Apple Podcasts – Brésil – Livres
Les meilleurs podcasts en Brésil des classements Apple Podcasts pour Livres.
- 2Increased by 0Quatro cinco um
451 MHz
- 3Increased by 1Denise Gomes
Livros que amamos - histórias para crianças
- 4Decreased by 1Megafauna Livraria Ltda
vinte mil léguas
- 5Increased by 0Simpifica, aí!
Simplifica, aí! Resumindo Livros Podcast
- 6Increased by 2Iandê Albuquerque
para todas as pessoas intensas.
- 7Increased by 0Devocional Mulher Sábia
Devocional Seja Mulher Sábia
- 8Decreased by 2Pedro Pacífico
Daria Um Livro
- 9Increased by 14The New York Times
The Book Review
- 10Increased by 2Rádio Guarda-Chuva
Põe na Estante
- 11Decreased by 2Soberana
Audioteca Crítica
- 12Increased by 2Gilson Joy
- 14Increased by 135Timoteo de Souza
O Ceticismo da Fé - Rodrigo Silva
- 15Increased by 30RTM Brasil
Entendendo a Bíblia
- 16Decreased by 5Radio Literal
Radio Literal
- 17Decreased by 7Hodor Cavalo
Hodor Cavalo
- 18Increased by 98Rádio Eldorado
Clube do Livro Eldorado
- 19Decreased by 6Felipe
Bíblia 365 – Lendo a História de Deus
- 20NEWAmbre Chalumeau
Liste de lecture
- 21NEWThais Rodrigues
Direito do Trabalho
- 22NEWAgatha Christie
Agatha Christie Radio Plays
- 23NEWMundoCreepy
Creepypastas de MundoCreepy
- 24Increased by 25Estúdio Ichthus
Ichthus Podcast
- 25Increased by 86Isabella Lubrano
Ler Antes de Morrer
- 26Decreased by 11Jesse Ramos Fernandes Pires
Histórias De Ninar Para Garotas Rebeldes.
- 27Decreased by 11G1
G1 - Livro Falado
- 28Decreased by 10Andre Santos
História de Roma (Canal História e Direito)
- 29Decreased by 4Top Audiolivros Resumos
Top Audiolivros Resumos
Help You Read
- 31NEWVitória Helena
A Sutil Arte De Ligar O F*da-se
- 32Increased by 145Mkt Digital
- 33Decreased by 14Gshow
Clube do Livro
- 35NEWRaquel Marinho
O Poema Ensina a Cair
- 37Decreased by 17EDITCONH
Si no estás ganando, estás perdiendo!
- 38NEWArash Babayi/Mohammad Amin Chitgaran
داستان شب
- 39Decreased by 18Psicólogo Vandemberg Ferreira Autismo Infância Educação Empatia, Comportamento.
Arte Com Literatura
- 40NEWElisete Bueno Santos
Realismo E Machado De Assis
- 41Decreased by 19Irca Sabrina Armede
Direito Civil
- 42NEWGabriel Baitelo
Machado de Assis
- 43NEWPenguin Random House
Marlon and Jake Read Dead People
- 44Decreased by 20@ermsoncsilva
Deixa de ser trouxa! • Harry Potter Podcast
- 45Decreased by 16AudioCosmo
30:MIN - Livros e Literatura
- 46Decreased by 20Eduardo Spohr
Minipod Literário
- 47Increased by 32Lívia Leão
Lih Num Livro
- 48Increased by 89Flor
Ouvindo Livros
- 49Decreased by 22Livros e Listas
Livros e Listas
- 50Decreased by 22Embaixada da França, Goethe-Institut e Quatro Cinco Um
A Terceira Margem do Reno
- 51Decreased by 9NPR
Fresh Air
- 52Decreased by 22José Rezende Jr
Audiolivros - Clássicos
- 53Decreased by 14Bhagyesh Dhekar
Think and Grow Rich
- 54Decreased by 23Podcast Literalmente
Literalmente Podcast - Livros
- 55Decreased by 22Maria Eduarda Borges
Livros & Romances
- 56Decreased by 22Café Com Fantasmas
Café Com Fantasmas
- 57Decreased by 22Jenny and Ted
- 58Decreased by 22Miriam Maino Farina
Leitura Livros
- 59Decreased by 22David Rafael Matias dos Santos
Marca Texto
- 60Decreased by 22Terceira geração modernista
- 61Decreased by 21PETER SADDINGTON
The Daily Stoic - 366 Daily Meditations
- 62Decreased by 21Dubvo
- 63Decreased by 20Aqui pod ler romance!
Pod ler romance
- 64Increased by 4Animagos
A Casa Elefante
- 65Decreased by 33RogSylwa
- 66Decreased by 15Renata Verneke - Multicanal
Ouça Livros
- 67Increased by 4A Crônica do Matador do Rei (Patrick Rothfuss)
Pequena Vizinhança
- 68Decreased by 21Brinque Book
Brinque Book - Ler e Ouvir
- 69Decreased by 25Macaco Leitor e Ouvinte
Macaco Leitor
- 70Decreased by 22バタやん(KODANSHA)
- 71Decreased by 25Tiago Novaes
- 72Decreased by 3Tumba do Balin
Tumba Do Balin
- 73Decreased by 23Chá das Cinco com Literatura
Chá das Cinco com Literatura Podcast
- 74Decreased by 19Clube do Livro Vladimir Nabokov
Clube do Livro Vladimir Nabokov
- 75Decreased by 23Clube de Literatura Clássica
Clube de Literatura Clássica
- 76Decreased by 23Edições CNBB
No Meio de Nós
- 77Decreased by 23Rena Gail
Animorphs Aloud
- 78Decreased by 22Patronus Pages - A Harry Potter FanFics Podcast
Patronus Pages - A Harry Potter FanFics Podcast
- 79Decreased by 22PSG KAIKY
Mc Alex 244
- 80Decreased by 22Louisiana Channel
Louisiana Literature
- 81Decreased by 22Tais Gonçalves
Histórias Contos Livros em audio
- 82Decreased by 22Mike Schmitz and Cory Hixson
Materiais Para Confecção De Um Espanador de Tristezas
- 84Decreased by 22Shakespeare and Company
Friends of Shakespeare and Company read Ulysses by James Joyce
- 85Decreased by 22Roberta Lehmann
biblioteca de papel
- 86Decreased by 22Cainã Cassiano
livro: extraordinário parte 1
- 87Decreased by 22Jacke Wilson / The Podglomerate
The History of Literature
- 88Decreased by 22GUSTAVO BRITO
Comentando sobre o podcast Comentando sobre podcast robotizados pelo wha robotizados pelo WhatsApp
- 89Decreased by 19Podcast da TAG
Podcast da TAG - Papo de livro
- 90NEWLibriVox
Spirit of Laws (Volume 1), The by Charles-Louis de Secondat, baron de La Brède et de Montesquieu (1689 - 1755)
- 91NEWSymphony Space
Selected Shorts
- 92Decreased by 20Savannah Gilbo
Fiction Writing Made Easy
- 93Decreased by 2Monica Leite
Clássicos Da Humanidade Audiolivros
- 94Decreased by 21Lugar de Ler
Lugar de Ler
- 95Decreased by 21Jonatan Trintin
Café com dopamina
- 96Decreased by 21Bianca Marais, Carly Watters and CeCe Lyra
The Shit No One Tells You About Writing
- 97Decreased by 21teabreak編
<新>日本名作文学朗読選(13) 夏目漱石 teabreak編
- 98Decreased by 21ゆっくり日本語りょう
『吾輩は猫である 』芥川『河童』 太宰『走れメロス』ガリバー旅行記 斑の紐 ジキルとハイドetc.
- 99Decreased by 21佐藤(by コサエル)
- 100Decreased by 20Dan Simpson
Writer's Routine
- 101Decreased by 20Martha Gomes
O Livro Ilustrado
- 102Decreased by 20Leonardo Mendes Alves
Teologia & História
- 103Decreased by 20Synthetic Universe
Biblioteca Mágica: Histórias Fascinantes
- 104Decreased by 20Potterish
Semanário dos Bruxos, seu podcast de Harry Potter
- 105Decreased by 20Casa do Livro
Casa do Livro
- 106Decreased by 20阿世賀淳
詩人の図書館 / 文学ラジオ
- 107Decreased by 20Tavares Junior
Literatura e Direito: Ponto e Contraponto.
- 108Decreased by 20ラジオNIKKEI
- 109Decreased by 16Barbara Nickel e Mariana Bandarra
Talvez seja isso
- 110Increased by 2Podcast Ghost Writer
Podcast Ghost Writer
- 111Decreased by 21LP Lucas & Daiana Pasquim
Leitura de Ouvido
- 112Decreased by 15Leandro Rocha
Biblioteca LRN
- 113NEWRabiscos
Podcast Rabiscos
- 114NEWAes Sedai
O Povo do Dragão - A Roda do Tempo
- 117Decreased by 25The Paris Review
The Paris Review
- 118Decreased by 23Doof! Media
Kingslingers | A Dark Tower Podcast
- 119Decreased by 25AMP Audiobooks
AMP Audiobooks : Amplifying the Joy of Fanfiction
- 120Decreased by 11BibliONCast
- 121Decreased by 25Martorano Law
Café com Poesia
- 122Decreased by 20Merve Emre
The Critic and Her Publics
- 123Decreased by 56Podcast Record
كنوز السيرة للشيخ عثمان الخميس
- 124Decreased by 9Elite
Elite Microbooks
- 125Decreased by 17Ouvindo Vozes
Ouvindo Vozes
- 126Decreased by 12Raio Laser
- 127Decreased by 28Tar Valon After Dark
Tar Valon After Dark | A Wheel of Time Comedy and Discussion Podcast
- 128Decreased by 25Andrew Robak and Steven Woodcock
Marvel New Universe Comics Podcast
- 129Decreased by 25Silvia Fontoura
Mitologia Grega
- 130Decreased by 25Meu diário de poemas ruins - por A. Sant
Meu diário de Poemas Ruins - por Andre Sant
- 131Decreased by 25Jorge Camargo
Poesia Pelo Mundo
- 132Decreased by 25Paula Beltrán
- 133Decreased by 23Bryan Collins
Become a Writer Today
- 134Decreased by 33Literatura Sem Frescura
Literatura Sem Frescura
- 135Increased by 60Luís Escudeiro / Eugénia de Oliveira
Livros para Ouvir
- 136NEWAlguien -
Podcast Algún día en alguna parte
- 137Increased by 49Dani and Brett
The Wheel Weaves Podcast: A Wheel of Time Podcast
- 138Decreased by 49WNYC Studios and The New Yorker
The New Yorker: Fiction
- 139Decreased by 20Editora Todavia
Quarta Capa Todavia
- 140Increased by 1Merriam-Webster
Merriam-Webster's Word of the Day
- 141Decreased by 24Caractere Books
Rádio Caractere
- 142Decreased by 24Podcast Record
موسوعة الكتب الصوتية
- 143Decreased by 21Edmar eletricista
Mais Esperto Que O Diabo
- 144Increased by 38Ouça Cultura
O Pequeno Príncipe - Audiolivro completo
- 145Decreased by 14RTM Portugal
- 146Decreased by 13Great Literature
Great Audiobooks
- 147NEWNuza Batemarque
"A Empregada" da Freida McFadden.
- 148NEWJuliana Santos
Café com Livro: Entre um café quente e páginas cativantes
- 149NEWJana Viscardi
Escrever sem medo
- 150Decreased by 3Chris Hedges
The Chris Hedges Report
- 151Decreased by 24JACILLY GABRIELE Alves
Hino 304 Da Harpa Cristã
- 152Decreased by 16Rádio Senado
Autores e Livros
- 153Decreased by 33Cynthia Alejandra Miramontes Perdomo
Vincent Van Gogh
- 154NEWDomenica Mendes & Amanda Barreiro
Perdidos na Estante
- 155Decreased by 34Jared Henderson & Wesley Walker
The Classical Mind
- 156Decreased by 33Izabelly Sousa
Filmes E Séries.
- 157NEWSons da leitura
56ª leitura
- 158Decreased by 3434 Circe Salon, 34 Circe Media, Sean Marlon Newcombe
34 Circe Salon -- The Parallax
- 159Decreased by 34Magda Cruz
Ponto Final, Parágrafo
- 160Decreased by 34Susu Dos Anjos
Diário De Uma Garota Nada Popular N° 8
- 162Decreased by 33worldbuildingformasochists
Worldbuilding for Masochists
- 163Decreased by 33Paulo Ratz
Livraria em Casa
- 164Decreased by 32Dear Fantasy Reader
Dear Fantasy Reader
- 165Decreased by 31Loyal Books
The Art of War by Sun Tzu
- 166Decreased by 31UNAM
En voz de Eduardo Galeano
- 167NEWGirls Gone Canon
Girls Gone Canon Cast
- 168NEWFran Silva
As Crônicas de Nárnia
- 169NEWFrédéric Beigbeder
Conversations chez Lapérouse
- 170Decreased by 70Marcus Riobaldus
Dostoievski: O Sonho de Um Homem Ridículo
NPR's Book of the Day
- 172Decreased by 21Mariana Alvim
Vale a pena com Mariana Alvim
- 173NEWDante Gallian
Leia a Bula: Podcast com Dante Gallian e Ricardo Mituti
- 174Decreased by 30David Lightbringer
Mythical Astronomy of Ice and Fire
- 175NEWMarco Neves
Pilha de Livros
- 176NEWEdições Vida Nova
Edições Vida Nova
- 177Decreased by 29Marina Pavan
Biblioteca de Clichês
- 178Decreased by 32Diogo Vaz Pinto e Fernando Ramalho
Enterrados no Jardim
- 179Decreased by 36Joseane Do Canto
Ler para conquistar
- 180NEWCristhiane Barros
Devocional Mulheres em Movimento
- 181NEWDiego Gonçalves
- 182Decreased by 32World Economic Forum
The World Economic Forum Book Club Podcast
- 183NEWTorry
Ready to Be Romanced: A Romance Novel Podcast
- 184Decreased by 31Richard Bouck
Clube do Livro das Sextas-Feiras
- 185Decreased by 31Loyal Books
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
- 186Decreased by 31El País Audio
Qué estás leyendo. El podcast de libros de EL PAÍS
- 188Decreased by 31Projeto Leitura Itinerante
Leitura Itinerante
- 189Decreased by 31Nelson Gentil
Psicologia Preta - Na Luta Contra o Racismo
- 190Decreased by 31Emilson Ricarte
Biblioteca Ricarte
- 191Decreased by 31Claudia Freitas
Leituras de livros Psicanalíticos, Freud e outros.
- 192Decreased by 31Paulo Martins Psicólogo @psipaulomartins
- 193Decreased by 31Loyal Books
La Divina Commedia by Dante Alighieri
- 194Decreased by 31Piero Eyben
E se fossem 40 livros de poesia...
- 195Decreased by 31Matthew Harffy and Steven A. McKay
Rock, Paper, Swords!
- 196Decreased by 31Lost in Roshar
Lost in Roshar
- 197Decreased by 31New Books Network
Brill on the Wire
- 198Decreased by 31The H.P. Lovecraft Literary Podcast
The H.P. Lovecraft Literary Podcast
- 199Decreased by 31LibriVox
Pride and Prejudice (version 5) by Jane Austen (1775 - 1817)
- 200Decreased by 31New Books Network
New Books with Miranda Melcher