Apple Podcasts – Macao – Apprentissage des langues
Les meilleurs podcasts en Macao des classements Apple Podcasts pour Apprentissage des langues.
- 1Increased by 20BBC Radio
Learning English Conversations
- 2Increased by 0BBC Radio
6 Minute English
- 3Decreased by 2MJ英語
英文流利聽說訓練 | MJ英語 | MJ English
- 4Increased by 0早安英文
- 5Increased by 1OpenLanguage 英语
潘吉Jenny告诉你|学英语聊美国|开言英语 · Podcast
- 6Decreased by 3雅思口语家森Jason
雅思口语新周刊 English Podcast
- 7Decreased by 2英语口语家森Jason
雅思口语IELTS English2024
- 8Decreased by 1Lindsay McMahon and Michelle Kaplan
All Ears English Podcast
- 9Increased by 4Portuguese With Leo
Intermediate Portuguese Podcast
- 10Decreased by 2fifteenmins
通勤學英語 15Mins Today
- 11Decreased by 1Lindsay McMahon, Jessica Beck, Aubrey Carter
IELTS Energy English 7+
- 12Decreased by 3Observador
Português Suave
- 13Decreased by 2Tomo
Let’s Talk in Japanese!
- 14Decreased by 2BBC Radio
Learning English from the News
- 15Increased by 0BBC
Learning Easy English
- 16Increased by 2Coffee Break Languages
Coffee Break Portuguese
- 17Increased by 15Luke Thompson
Luke's ENGLISH Podcast - Learn British English with Luke Thompson
- 18Decreased by 4Shunsuke Otani
Japanese with Shun
- 19Decreased by
Learn English |
- 20Decreased by 3Susana Morais
Portuguese Lab Podcast | Learn European Portuguese
- 21Decreased by 2French Through Stories
French Through Stories
- 22Decreased by 2Storyglot
Short Stories in Portuguese: Learn European Portuguese through stories
- 23Increased by 0Help Me Learn
Learn Portuguese
- 24Increased by 2Da Peng
大鹏说中文 - Speak Chinese with Da Peng
- 25Increased by 2BBC Radio
Learning English Vocabulary
- 26Decreased by 4BBC Radio
Learning English Stories
- 27Decreased by 2BBC News
Learning English For Work
- 28Increased by 1BBC Radio
Learning English Grammar
- 29Decreased by 5Sonoro | Conner Pe
Listening Time: English Practice
- 30Decreased by 2Melnyks Chinese
Learn Mandarin Chinese - Chinese Audio Lessons
- 31Increased by 25Michael Lavers
The Level Up English Podcast
- 32Increased by 3Rui Coimbra / Joel Rendall
Practice Portuguese
- 33Decreased by 2一席英语
- 34Increased by 36Cari, Manuel und das Team von Easy German
Easy German: Learn German with native speakers | Deutsch lernen mit Muttersprachlern
- 35Decreased by 1BBC Radio
English in a Minute
- 36Decreased by 3Tiffany teaches English
與芬尼學英語 Tiffany teaches English
- 37Increased by 11ChinesePod LLC
ChinesePod - Intermediate
- 38Decreased by 8Learning Portuguese is Fun
Learning Portuguese is Fun
- 39Increased by 13ChinesePod LLC
ChinesePod - Beginner
- 40Increased by 1VOA Learning English
VOA Learning English Podcast - VOA Learning English
- 41Decreased by 2Charlie Baxter
The British English Podcast
- 42Decreased by 2LCTS
Learning Chinese through Stories
- 43Decreased by 7Jennifer Wagner
Alles in Butter - Deutsch lernen leicht gemacht
- 44Decreased by 7Coach Shane
Daily Easy English Expression Podcast
- 45NEWLinguistica 360
News in Slow French
- 46Increased by 45Wangyou Chinese
LaoLiu Chinese for Beginners (老刘基础中文)
- 47Increased by 26ChinesePod
ChinesePod - Advanced
- 48Increased by 27Xinqing (Joanne)
瞎扯学中文 Convo Chinese
- 49Increased by 5Speak Chinese Naturally
Speak Chinese Naturally -Learn Chinese (Mandarin)
- 50Increased by 28The Lone Mandarin Teacher
五分钟中文 5 Minute Chinese
- 52Decreased by 10Annik Rubens
Slow German
- 53Decreased by 10Coffee Break Languages
Coffee Break French
- 54Decreased by 10Laetitia Perraut
One Thing In A French Day
- 55Decreased by 10[email protected]
Learn French by Podcast
- 56Decreased by
Learn French |
- 57Decreased by 10Jessica: Native French teacher, founder of French Your Way
French Your Way Podcast: Learn French with Jessica | French Grammar | French Vocabulary | French Expressions
- 58NEW英语主播Emily
- 59Increased by 5SEND7
Simple English News Daily
- 60Decreased by 22JDA Industries Inc.
To Fluency Podcast: English with Jack
- 61Decreased by 3Coffee Break Languages
Coffee Break Spanish
- 62Decreased by 7nihongo_layla
The Bite size Japanese Podcast
- 63Decreased by 10Bob the Canadian
Learn English with Bob the Canadian
- 64Increased by 42Practice Portuguese LDA
European Portuguese Shorties (from
- 65Decreased by 4賓狗 & Leo
- 66Increased by 76オンラインフランス語学校 アンサンブル アン フランセ
A la Cafet' 旬のフランス・フランス語学習方法をご紹介
- 67Increased by 80Carla Sabala
Portuguese With Carla Podcast
- 68NEW玩转粤语学习
- 69Decreased by 20iVY BAR
- 70Decreased by 5Sonoro | Shana Thompson
American English Podcast
- 71Decreased by 20Hélène & Judith
Easy French: Learn French through authentic conversations | Conversations authentiques pour apprendre le français
- 72Decreased by 13あかね的日本語教室
- 73Decreased by 16Alison Pitman
Speak English With A British Accent
- 74Increased by 23Deutsch-Podcast
Deutsch Podcast - Deutsch lernen
- 75Decreased by 13ssyingwen
時事英文 English News
- 76Decreased by 13Anna Connelly
Confident Business English
- 77Increased by 5RTHK.HK
香港電台:English Everywhere
- 79Decreased by 12Martin Johnston
Rock n' Roll English
- 80Increased by 90TLV1 Studios
Streetwise Hebrew
- 81Decreased by 13Emma Walker
The Procrastination Podcast
- 82Decreased by 22哩滴吖小姐姐_超甜糖
- 83Decreased by 7Jack Radford
Learn English with the British Council and Premier League
- 84Decreased by 7吉兒與女兒們的日文繪本屋
- 85Decreased by 13Haruka
Haru no Nihongo
- 86Decreased by 6英文小酒馆 LHH
英文小酒馆 LHH
- 87Decreased by 18MJ日語
日文流利聽說訓練 | MJ日語 | MJ Japanese
- 88Decreased by 5Rachel's English: Pronunciation & Conversation Guru, American Accent Trai
Conversation & Pronunciation: Learn English with The Rachel's English Podcast
- 89Decreased by 18彭百万雅思口语
Das sagt man so! | Audios | DW Deutsch lernen
- 91Decreased by 7晨听英语
英语每日一听 | 每天少于5分钟
- 92Increased by 1学日语的师夫
- 93Increased by 1アスク出版
日本語総まとめ N2 聴解 CD2
- 94Decreased by 20Thomas Wilkinson
Thinking in English
- 95Increased by 0Say it in Portuguese/Cristina Água-Mel
Expressões do Português
- 96Decreased by 17AJ Hoge
Effortless English Podcast | Learn English with AJ Hoge
- 97Decreased by 16WilliamLin
看新聞學英文- 10分鐘用新聞強化你的英文閱讀
- 98Decreased by
Business English Pod :: Learn Business English Online
- 99Increased by 66Sherry Fang
Executive Plus 主管英文溝通力
- 100Decreased by 14英语口语每天学
- 101Decreased by 14Chun Kong Ryan Lau
- 102Decreased by 14ICRT
News For Kids
- 103Decreased by 14EZ叢書館
EZ JAPAN 編輯的あのね
- 104Decreased by 14Hadar Shemesh
The InFluency Podcast
- 105Decreased by 13Matteo, Raffaele and the Easy Italian team
Easy Italian: Learn Italian with real conversations | Imparare l'italiano con conversazioni reali
- 106Decreased by 7Coffee Break Languages
Coffee Break German
- 107Decreased by 11Japanese with Noriko
Learn Japanese with Noriko
- 108Decreased by 10Nan
You too can learn Thai -- Listening practice, beginner & intermediate Thai vocab / grammar / culture
- 109Decreased by 6Podcourses
IELTS Speaking for Success
- 110Decreased by 10Georgiana, founder of
Speak English Now Podcast: Learn English | Speak English without grammar.
- 111Decreased by 10ReadioCast Group
Listen English | Learn English by Listening [Short Stories]
- 112Decreased by 7Portuguese with Sílvia
Listen & Learn - Portuguese of Portugal
- 113Decreased by 4日本語の先生:ことのは
日本語の会話のpodcast −ことのは−
- 114Decreased by 10みわ@日本語の先生
🌸5分でわかる日本語🌸 Make Sense of Japanese in 5 Mins
- 115Decreased by 13Culips English Podcast
Culips Everyday English Podcast
- 116Decreased by 4Mia Esmeriz
Mia Esmeriz Academy - Learn European Portuguese Online
- 117Decreased by 10innerFrench
- 118Decreased by 10アスク出版
はじめての日本語能力試験 合格模試 N5 TEST 1
- 119Decreased by 9VOA Learning English
Science & Technology - VOA Learning English
- 120Decreased by 9Chris
British Accent Podcasts
- 121Decreased by 4Neil Humphrey
English with Neil - Learn English Podcast
- 122Decreased by 9Easy Portugués
Easy Portugués
- 123Increased by 27Plain English
Plain English
- 124Decreased by 10アスク出版
- 125Decreased by
Learn Thai |
- 126Decreased by 10Choisusu
Choisusu's Korean Podcast
- 127Decreased by 9Jack Radford
Learn English Vocabulary
- 128Decreased by 9NHK WORLD-JAPAN
简明日语 会话篇 | NHK WORLD-JAPAN
- 129Decreased by 9楽しく学ぶフランス語 – FRANCE 365:最新のフランス旅行情報・現地情報
楽しく学ぶフランス語 | FRANCE 365:最新のフランス旅行情報・現地情報
- 130Decreased by 9Leah & Janice
- 131Decreased by 9喬依絲
8分鐘英文Coffee Shop
- 132Decreased by 9Liam
Easy Natural English with Liam
- 133Decreased by 9瑪莉老師
說點英文 | 很 chill 的時事英文口說頻道
- 134Decreased by 9Leonardo English
English Learning for Curious Minds
- 135Decreased by 9Portuguese with Cristina
100 Legendas em Português
- 136Decreased by 9野良貓的日文課
- 137Decreased by 9虎斑貓的語文教室
- 138Decreased by 9RealLife English
RealLife English: Learn and Speak Confident, Natural English
- 139Decreased by 6JoyChris英语说
- 140Decreased by 10RTHK.HK
English in NEWS
- 141Decreased by 10Shayna Oliveira
Espresso English Podcast
- 142Decreased by 6Cathy Intro
My Polyglot Life Podcast en Francais Avancé
- 143Decreased by 11超級櫻文-英文收納師Cherry
- 144Decreased by 10Yoriko
- 145Decreased by 10Satura Lanx: a podcast to learn Latin, in Latin.
Satura Lanx - Latin language and literature for beginners
- 146Decreased by 9普通话学习与考试
- 147Decreased by 9Tammy、Hana
- 148Decreased by 9粤语学院
- 149Decreased by 9kk chan
【粤语】儿童故事 |Cantonese stories | Cantonese for kid
- 150Decreased by 9LinguaBoost
Learn Polish with LinguaBoost
- 151Decreased by 8普通话学习与考试
- 152Decreased by 8heidar sadeghzadeh
Telc Hören
- 153Decreased by 8DW
Nicos Weg – Deutschkurs A1 | Videos | DW Deutsch lernen
- 154Decreased by 8燈登登播客企劃有限公司
- 155Decreased by 7Riley_日常英文对话
英语对话|English Conversation
- 156Decreased by 7VOA Learning English
As It Is - VOA Learning English
- 157Decreased by 6播音员妈妈睡前故事
播音员妈妈 | 365夜睡前故事
- 158Decreased by 6Yolanda Yu 游皓雲, Fernando Lopez 洛飛南
- 159Decreased by 6中村紀子
- 160Decreased by 6Английский по-Британски
Let's Talk About It | English Learning Podcast
- 161Decreased by 6gabbie | yes&english
Gab in English: An English-Learning Podcast
- 162Decreased by 6潜心英语
- 163Increased by 1TalkIn' Serbian
TalkIn' Serbian for Beginners
- 164Decreased by 7结藤社文化西班牙语
- 165Decreased by 7Didi
Didi의 한국문화 Podcast
- 166Decreased by 7Ben Worthington
IELTS Podcast
- 167Decreased by 7NHK WORLD-JAPAN
Easy Japanese: Conversation Lessons | NHK WORLD-JAPAN
- 168Decreased by 7British Council
British Council - Teaching English
- 169Decreased by 7Daffa bramantio er
Podcast Based English Learning by Mr. B
- 170Decreased by 7Hoy Hablamos
Hoy Hablamos: Podcast diario para aprender español - Learn Spanish Daily Podcast
- 171Decreased by 5Jsxiaao
- 172Decreased by 5Pau and the Easy Spanish team
Easy Spanish: Learn Spanish with everyday conversations | Conversaciones del día a día para aprender español
- 173Decreased by 5李璨理查BEN
Dashu Mandarin Podcast
- 174Decreased by 5VOA Learning English
English in a Minute - VOA Learning English
- 175Decreased by 4潇洒停磨
- 176Decreased by 4学日语的师夫
- 177Decreased by 4吉武老師 languagetrails
- 178Decreased by 1Alice Ferreira
Slow Portuguese - Learn Portuguese
- 179Decreased by 1Travel and Learn
Learn Portuguese
- 180Decreased by 1Rio and Learn
Learn Portuguese with Rio and Learn
- 181Decreased by 7Anna Tyrie, Bleav
English Like A Native Podcast
- 182Decreased by 7早安英文
- 183Decreased by 7Mariska van der Meij
Dutch Speaking Academy - Speak Dutch with Confidence
- 184Decreased by 3Mandarin Monkey
Mandarin Monkey Podcast
- 185Decreased by 1Todo Mundo Pod – Todo Mundo Pod
Todo Mundo Pod – Todo Mundo Pod
- 186Decreased by 6Joel E Zarate
Conversations in Spanish: Intermediate Spanish & Advanced Spanish
- 187Decreased by 5Small Town Spanish Teacher
Simple Stories in Spanish
- 188Decreased by 5爽語NEWS / 台日語言交換
- 189Decreased by 3Lucienne sans L
Écoutez et parlez français 聽,說法語
- 190Decreased by 2Mika Matsumoto
Japanese For Beginners Podcast(N5~N3)
- 191Increased by 0Nagisa Morimoto
Little Talk in Slow French
- 192Increased by 0Ellie
- 193Increased by 0Alex Brooke
Learn Japanese Pod
- 194Decreased by 9领先时刻
领先时刻 雅思听力魔鬼训练
- 195Decreased by 8罐頭
- 196Decreased by 7Shigeki Sensei
- 197Decreased by 7Chris
British English Listening Practice - English Go! Podcast
- 198Decreased by 4VOA Learning English
Arts & Culture - VOA Learning English
- 199Decreased by 4葡葡和萄萄
- 200Decreased by 4Good Morning! English and Arabic Fun Learning
Good Morning! English Language Learning