Apple Podcasts – Serbie – Technologies
Les meilleurs podcasts en Serbie des classements Apple Podcasts pour Technologies.
- 1Increased by 3Lex Fridman
Lex Fridman Podcast
- 2Increased by 31Umputun, Bobuk, Gray, Ksenks, Alek.sys
- 3Increased by 86Jonathan Hall & Shay Nehmad
Cup o' Go
- 4Decreased by 3libo/libo
Запуск завтра
- 5Increased by 25Andreessen Horowitz
a16z Podcast
- 6NEWConor Hoekstra & Bryce Adelstein Lelbach
Algorithms + Data Structures = Programs
- 7NEWThe Array Cast
The Array Cast
- 8Decreased by 6Никита и Илья
Свидетели сингулярности
- 9Increased by 5Jack Rhysider
Darknet Diaries
- 11Decreased by 5Jupiter Broadcasting
LINUX Unplugged
- 12Decreased by 5Tristan Harris and Aza Raskin, The Center for Humane Technology
Your Undivided Attention
- 13Decreased by 5Marcel Kurovski
Recsperts - Recommender Systems Experts
- 14Decreased by 5Егор Толстой, Стас Цыганов, Екатерина Петрова и Евгений Кателла
Podlodka Podcast
- 15Increased by 9Changelog Media
The Changelog: Software Development, Open Source
- 16Decreased by 6[email protected]
Software Engineering Radio - the podcast for professional software developers
- 17Decreased by 2Сообщество «Веб-стандарты»
- 18Increased by 56Aleksandar Miladinović, Ivan Jelić
- 19Decreased by 7Lukas Gehrer und Roman Van Genabith
Der Apfelplausch
- 20Decreased by 9Lenny Rachitsky
Lenny's Podcast: Product | Growth | Career
- 21Decreased by 8Ivan Yamshchikov
- 22Decreased by 19TeleSrbija
TeleSrbija Podcast
- 23Increased by 11All-In Podcast, LLC
All-In with Chamath, Jason, Sacks & Friedberg
- 24Decreased by 4Gergely Orosz
The Pragmatic Engineer
- 25Decreased by 9Wes Bos & Scott Tolinski - Full Stack JavaScript Web Developers
Syntax - Tasty Web Development Treats
- 26Decreased by 9The New York Times
Hard Fork
- 27Increased by 0H4unt3d Hacker
H4unt3d Hacker
- 28Increased by 3Aleksandar Vacić, Milan Adamov
- 29Decreased by 11The Late Night Linux Family
Late Night Linux Family All Episodes
- 30Decreased by 1Hacker Talk
Hacker Talk
- 31Decreased by 10David Schütz, Stefan Kremser
- 32Decreased by 10Hackers Archives - Software Engineering Daily
Hackers Archives - Software Engineering Daily
- 33Decreased by 10Viktor Gamov, Alexey Abashev
Разбор Полетов
- 34Decreased by 9Brian T. O’Neill from Designing for Analytics
Experiencing Data w/ Brian T. O’Neill (UX for AI Products, Analytics SAAS and Data Product Management)
- 35Decreased by 9Hacker Public Radio
Hacker Public Radio
- 36Decreased by 8VICE
- 37Decreased by 18AUTOPRIČE PODCAST
- 38Increased by 12Vox Media Podcast Network
Waveform: The MKBHD Podcast
- 39Increased by 51Кирилл Мокевнин
Организованное программирование
- 40Increased by 18PJ Vogt
Search Engine
- 41Decreased by 1Telcast
- 42Increased by 12Ben Gilbert and David Rosenthal
- 43Decreased by 11The Elon Musk Podcast
The Elon Musk Podcast
- 44Increased by 11The Verge
The Vergecast
- 46Increased by 121Dwarkesh Patel
Dwarkesh Podcast
- 47NEWLukas Biewald
Gradient Dissent: Conversations on AI
- 48Decreased by 13Dan Vega & DaShaun Carter
Spring Office Hours
- 49Increased by 3Hassell Inclusion
Digital Accessibility Experts
- 50Increased by 47Maximum Fun
Triple Click
- 51NEWThoughtworks
Thoughtworks Technology Podcast
- 52Decreased by 16Josh Liston | @joshuacliston
The Future IS Audio
- 53Decreased by 16VK Team
Сквозь VK
- 54Decreased by 16All Aussie Accounting Adventures
All Aussie Accounting Adventures - Tech Edition
- 55Increased by 70Jonathan Cutrell
Developer Tea
- 57Decreased by 18The Late Night Linux Family
2.5 Admins
- 58Increased by 81MoscowPython
Moscow Python: подкаст о Python на русском
- 59Decreased by 15Kerrigan
Switch Dinner
- 60Decreased by 17Y Combinator
Y Combinator Startup Podcast
- 61Decreased by 16Federico Viticci and John Voorhees
MacStories Unwind
- 62Increased by 89Пятиминутка PHP
Пятиминутка PHP
- 63NEWIntercom
The Ticket: Discover the Future of Customer Service, Support, and Experience, with Intercom
- 64Increased by 6Андрей Смирнов
Frontend Weekend
- 65Increased by 106Skillbox Media Code
Люди и код
- 66Increased by 5Александр Плющев
- 67Decreased by
- 68Increased by 10Scott Hanselman
Hanselminutes with Scott Hanselman
- 69Increased by 11NPR
TED Radio Hour
- 70Increased by 23Cal Newport
Deep Questions with Cal Newport
- 71Decreased by 14Мы обречены
Мы обречены
- 72Decreased by 16Nathaniel Whittemore
The AI Daily Brief (Formerly The AI Breakdown): Artificial Intelligence News and Analysis
- 73Decreased by 25Latitude Media
The Green Blueprint
- 74Decreased by 15Сергей Тихомиров, Иван Иваницкий, Сергей Павлин, Александр Селезнев
Базовый Блок: подкаст про блокчейн
- 75NEWГлаша Жур, Таня Фокина
Инклюзивный ананас — подкаст о цифровой доступности
- 77NEWai4qr
- 78Decreased by 37Marty Bent
TFTC: A Bitcoin Podcast
- 79Decreased by 37Anton Chuvakin
Cloud Security Podcast by Google
- 80NEWDevOps Kitchen Talks
The DevOps Kitchen Talks’s Podcast
- 81Decreased by 28Jane Street
Signals and Threads
- 83Decreased by 18Linux Lads
Linux Lads
- 84Decreased by 18Laura Klein
What is Wrong with UX
- 85Decreased by 39The Milk Road Show
The Milk Road Show
- 86Increased by 10TechCrunch
TechCrunch Daily Crunch
- 87Decreased by 26Evan Troxel
- 88Decreased by 39Mac Life
Schleifenquadrat. Der Apple-Podcast von Mac Life.
- 89NEWSafwan Ahmedmia
SuperSaf Speaks - The Podcast
- 90Decreased by 18BG2Pod
BG2Pod with Brad Gerstner and Bill Gurley
- 91Decreased by 15"linkmeup"
- 92Decreased by 15Thomas Brush
Full Time Game Dev
- 93Decreased by 10Cool Zone Media and iHeartPodcasts
Better Offline
- 94Decreased by 25Financial Times
FT Tech Tonic
- 95NEWChristopher Lawley, Matt Birchler, and Niléane
Comfort Zone
- 96Decreased by 36nFactorial school
nFactorial Podcast
- 97Decreased by 35Netokracija
Netokracija Podcast
- 98Increased by
- 99NEWTobias Macey
Data Engineering Podcast
- 100NEWHacked
- 101NEWScott Hanselman
Azure Friday (Audio)
- 102NEWConfluent, founded by the original creators of Apache Kafka®
Streaming Audio: Apache Kafka® & Real-Time Data
- 103Decreased by 40NetApp
- 104Decreased by 16Zero To Million SaaS
Zero To Million SaaS Podcast
- 105Decreased by 38TED Tech
TED Tech
- 106Decreased by 15The Stack Overflow Podcast
The Stack Overflow Podcast
- 107Decreased by 39Paul Hudson and Mikaela Caron
Swift over Coffee
- 108Decreased by 35Hybrid News, Joe Green
Tech means Business
- 109Decreased by 34John Sundell
Swift by Sundell
- 110Decreased by 31Android Developers
Android Developers Backstage
- 111Decreased by 30Anywhere Club
AIA Podcast
- 112Decreased by 30The Late Night Linux Family
Late Night Linux
- 113Decreased by 29David Spark, Steve Zalewski, Geoff Belknap
Defense in Depth
- 114Decreased by 29The SafeHouse Initiative
The SafeHouse
- 115Decreased by 29a16z
AI + a16z
- 116Decreased by 29Mandiant
The Defender's Advantage Podcast
- 117Decreased by 12Josh Stroschein
Behind the Binary by Google Cloud Security
- 118Decreased by 26Microsoft
Behind The Tech with Kevin Scott
- 119Decreased by 25Troy Young, Brian Morrissey, Alex Schleifer
People vs Algorithms
- 120Decreased by 25Саша Пахомов
Тысяча фичей
- 121Decreased by 23Apple
Apple Events (audio)
- 122Decreased by
- 123Decreased by 23Pete Bui
Learn Cardano Podcast
- 124Decreased by 23Malte Kirchner & Jean-Claude Frick
- 125Decreased by 23Skynet Today
Last Week in AI
- 126Decreased by 23Linux Matters
Linux Matters
- 127Decreased by 23Microsoft
Microsoft Threat Intelligence Podcast
- 128Decreased by 22Jamison Dance and Dave Smith
Soft Skills Engineering
- 129Decreased by 9Kaivalya Apte
The GeekNarrator
- 130Decreased by 23Changelog Media
Practical AI: Machine Learning, Data Science, LLM
- 131Decreased by 23Natacha NJONGWA YEPNGA
Intelligence Artificielle et DATA - Le Podcast de Natacha Njongwa Yepnga
- 132Decreased by 23ActuIA
Intelligence artificielle - ActuIA
- 133Decreased by 23Relay
- 134Decreased by 23TuxDigital Network
Destination Linux
- 135Decreased by 23Jennifer Strong
- 136Decreased by 23PodcastAI
The OpenAI Weekly Brief
- 137Decreased by 22Peter McCormack
- 138Decreased by 22Real Python
The Real Python Podcast
- 139NEWТехнологии в Контуре
Загадка хранителя зоопарка
- 140Decreased by 12Oxide Computer Company
Oxide and Friends
- 141Decreased by 27Marco Arment, Casey Liss, John Siracusa
Accidental Tech Podcast
- 142Decreased by 25make sense podcast
make sense podcast
- 143Decreased by 25Jason Calacanis
This Week in Startups
- 144Decreased by 21Garbage Day
Panic World
- 145Decreased by 26WTYP is Justin Roczniak, November Kelly, Liam McAnderson, and friends.
Well There‘s Your Problem
- 146Decreased by 16Justin Bracy
Layer By Layer
- 147Decreased by 16Boaz Ashkenazy
Shift AI Podcast
- 148Decreased by 16Дмитрий Филатов
Две Столицы - Уютный подкаст IT панков
- 149Decreased by Community Podcast
- 150Decreased by 28DataCamp
- 151Decreased by 27David Spark, Mike Johnson, and Andy Ellis
CISO Series Podcast
- 152Decreased by 26Camila Russo
The Defiant - DeFi Podcast
- 153Decreased by 26Никита Лакеев, Роман Нургалиев
Дизайн Такой
- 154Decreased by 18Kyle Polich
Data Skeptic
- 155Decreased by 18Jon Krohn
Super Data Science: ML & AI Podcast with Jon Krohn
- 156Decreased by 27Varonis, Matt Radolec, David Gibson
State of Cybercrime
- 157Decreased by 17TWiT
FLOSS Weekly (Audio)
- 158Decreased by 25Erik Torenberg
"Upstream" with Erik Torenberg
- 159Decreased by 25DotNetRu
- 160Decreased by 25Т-Банк
Это считается
- 161Decreased by 16Mark Moeykens
The SwiftUI Views Audio Guide
- 162Decreased by 24George Bowen, W2XBS
This Week in Amateur Radio
- 163Decreased by 14Vikram Gautam
What Is IMEI numebr, Benefits Of IMEI Number, Find Stolen Device Easily With IMEI Number
- 164Decreased by 23William Vincent and Carlton Gibson
Django Chat
- 165Decreased by 23Umputun, Bobuk, Gray, Ksenks, Alek.sys
Радио-Т Архивы
- 166Decreased by 23James Royal-Lawson & Per Axbom
UX Podcast
- 167Decreased by 23Strictly Apple
Strictly Apple Talk
- 168Decreased by 16Minko Gechev
- 169Decreased by 23科技行者
- 170Decreased by 23Badass BA
As a User I want to see...
- 171Decreased by 23Kaspersky
Смени пароль!
- 172Decreased by 14Eye Studios
Blueprint - Eye Studios Podcast
- 173Decreased by 14Lorenzo Pinna
Una Birra di UX
- 174Decreased by 14Marc Andreessen, Ben Horowitz
The Ben & Marc Show
- 175Decreased by 25The Late Night Linux Family
Linux After Dark
- 176Decreased by 12Pieter Abbeel
The Robot Brains Podcast
- 177Decreased by 12TuxDigital Network
Sudo Show
- 178Decreased by 12Relay
- 179Decreased by 26LinearB
Dev Interrupted
- 180Decreased by 26The MacRumors Show
The MacRumors Show
- 181Decreased by 26Cynical Developer
The Cynical Developer
- 182Decreased by 26Brad Shoemaker, Will Smith
Brad & Will Made a Tech Pod.
- 183Decreased by 26Matthias Endler
Rust in Production
- 184Decreased by 23Andrey Sebrant
Sebrant chatting | Трёп Себранта
- 185Decreased by 23Allen Wyma
Flying High with Flutter
- 186Decreased by 23БОГЕМА
Накликали беду
- 187Decreased by 19Allen Underwood, Michael Outlaw, Joe Zack
Coding Blocks
- 188Decreased by 19LogRocket
PodRocket - A web development podcast from LogRocket
- 189Decreased by 5Jerry Bell and Andrew Kalat
Defensive Security Podcast - Malware, Hacking, Cyber Security & Infosec
- 191Decreased by 5Chris Tarbell & Hector Monsegur
Hacker And The Fed
- 192Decreased by 20Tihomir Opačić & Miloš Đekić
IT Serbia Podcast
- 193Decreased by 20Hospitality AI Beat
Hospitality AI Beat
- 194Decreased by 20Michael Kennedy
Talk Python To Me
- 195Decreased by 4Y Combinator
Lightcone Podcast
- 196Decreased by 4Flo Motlik -
AWS News Weekly
- 197Decreased by 4EchoPod
Tech Trends
- 198Decreased by 4David Blocher
AWS ML Minute Podcast
- 199Decreased by 4KillerB Digital Team
Mindful Bytes: Tech Trends, Social Media Insights, and Digital Strategy
- 200Decreased by
Global Tech Trends - ICDK &