Michelle Michels

Eco Futures - Welcome to the New Generation of Planet Restoration: Join the Evolution

Écoutez ce podcast australien sur les enjeux environnementaux, la durabilité et les récits communautaires. Participez chaque semaine à la discussion sur le climat et la conservation.

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Modern Slavery: Lauren Power from Food Empowerment; Dr. Natalia Szablewska Legal expert on Modern Slavery and Serrata Martin from the tea industry speak to Jodee Sydney about issues in the industries where modern slavery flourishes.

S1 E5 • 27 mins • Mar 19, 2021

Épisodes récents

Mar 19, 2021

Modern Slavery: Lauren Power from Food Empowerment; Dr. Natalia Szablewska Legal expert on Modern Slavery and Serrata Martin from the tea industry speak to Jodee Sydney about issues in the industries where modern slavery flourishes.

S1 E5 • 27 mins

Mar 19, 2021

Modern Slavery: Emelda Davies speaks about 'Black birding' in Australia with Jodee Sydney. Lauren Ornelas also tells Jodee about the issues in farming where slaves are used children.

S1 E7 • 19 mins

Mar 18, 2021

Modern Slavery: Nick Grono CEO of international organisation 'The Freedom Fund' speaks with Michelle Michels about the approaches and strategies undertaken by the agency to ameliorate Modern Slavery

S1 E6 • 19 mins

Mar 10, 2021

Modern Slavery: Om Prakash Gurjar speaks about the culture of slavery and India to Jodee Sydney and Renée Chopping from 'Destiny Rescue' and the amazing work rescuing young people from sex slavery.

S1 E4 • 25 mins

Mar 10, 2021

Modern Slavery: Gordon Renouf from 'Good on You' & James Bartlett from Outland Denim speak with Jodee Sydney 28 min listen

S1 E3 • 29 mins

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