Dan Quintana

Physiology and Behavior

Rejoignez Dan Quintana alors qu'il explore le lien entre nos corps et nos comportements. Profitez de discussions captivantes sur la psychologie biologique et des perspectives d'autres scientifiques.

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Reproducible science, social media, and responding to reviewer comments

57 mins • Nov 15, 2021

Épisodes récents

Nov 15, 2021

Reproducible science, social media, and responding to reviewer comments

57 mins

Jan 27, 2021

Audio paper: How podcasts can benefit scientific communities

13 mins

Jan 21, 2021

Social media for academics: why and how

15 mins

May 8, 2020

Audio paper: An Allostatic Theory of Oxytocin

36 mins

Apr 9, 2020

From the lab to your living room

44 mins

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