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Rejoignez Ashley Ahearn pour découvrir des histoires personnelles à travers le pays sur la façon dont les gens s'adaptent aux changements environnementaux.

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If you gave up flying how would your life change?

20 mins • Dec 19, 2017

Épisodes récents

Dec 19, 2017

If you gave up flying how would your life change?

20 mins

Dec 5, 2017

When climate change makes it hard to breathe | terrestrial

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Nov 21, 2017

The secret history of Biosphere 2 | terrestrial

27 mins

Nov 7, 2017

His fellow conservatives call him a 'green decoy.' Here's why | terrestrial

25 mins

Oct 24, 2017

For this teenager, rebellion means suing the government over climate change | terrestrial

17 mins

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