Rizky Amelia

English ♥️

Découvrez un semestre unique alors que l'émission se transforme en format podcast, offrant des discussions captivantes et des idées qui rendent l'apprentissage agréable et accessible.

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Bahasa Inggris 1 - Unit 1. Greetings, Introducing Oneself, and Introducing Others

19 mins • Sep 24, 2022

Épisodes récents

Sep 24, 2022

Bahasa Inggris 1 - Unit 1. Greetings, Introducing Oneself, and Introducing Others

19 mins

Nov 15, 2021

Creative writing course

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Nov 15, 2021

Chronological Order Paragraph

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Oct 14, 2021

Bahasa Inggris 1

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Oct 11, 2021

Chronological Order

11 mins

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