Georgina Sell

BRUIN ESG series

Découvrez avec Georgina Sell les carrières ESG et leur impact sur la finance. Écoutez des experts parler de diversité et de changement climatique.

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The Age of Authenticity and ESG: Challenges & Opportunities of AI & FinTech

S1 E6 • 63 mins • Jan 19, 2021

Épisodes récents

Jan 19, 2021

The Age of Authenticity and ESG: Challenges & Opportunities of AI & FinTech

S1 E6 • 63 mins

Jan 12, 2021

How can you ensure that ‘Social’ Factors such as Equality are Fully Embedded in your organisation?

S1 E5 • 64 mins

Dec 22, 2020

How can you prevent the ‘Environment’ being sacrificed in the face of the importance of ‘S’ and ‘G’ during a pandemic?

62 mins

Dec 22, 2020

How can you attempt to Fully Integrate ESG?

E3 • 58 mins

Dec 8, 2020

Why ESG is the Future of Finance

S1 E2 • 61 mins

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