Qulturum, Region Jönköping county

Coachtalk - A podcast about coaching for improvement in health and social care

Découvrez des idées d'experts en coaching santé et services sociaux. Ce podcast propose des outils et stratégies pratiques pour améliorer les pratiques de coaching.

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#51 Coachtalk - Bringing Co-production to the next level in practice - Alice Kennedy

22 mins • Mar 28, 2023

Épisodes récents

Mar 28, 2023

#51 Coachtalk - Bringing Co-production to the next level in practice - Alice Kennedy

22 mins

Oct 5, 2022

#50 Coachtalk - Start with your heart, connect as person to person

22 mins

Jun 1, 2021

#49 Coachtalk - Why are we afraid of involving patients in improvements projects?

21 mins

Nov 16, 2020

#48 - Co-production-the new holy grail? - Dee Grey

25 mins

Oct 14, 2020

#47 - Co-production a key to build the selfdialys unit in Sweden - Christian Farman

25 mins

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