Ryan Maher

Christian Quotes | Encouragement for Christians

Écoutez des réflexions réconfortantes et inspirantes tirées des Écritures et d'auteurs chrétiens. Chaque épisode propose encouragements et ressources pratiques pour votre foi.

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051: The Devil is a Liar & a quote from Charles Stanley - "The Devil never points out the abundant blessings of God in your life. The devil always points out what is missing, lacking, or negative."

10 mins • Dec 12, 2017

Épisodes récents

Dec 12, 2017

051: The Devil is a Liar & a quote from Charles Stanley - "The Devil never points out the abundant blessings of God in your life. The devil always points out what is missing, lacking, or negative."

10 mins

Sep 27, 2017

050: John Eldredge – “I must remind myself on a daily basis. That he is the God of four hundred billion billion suns. The creator of everything I love. That I am his son; I have the full rights of a son.”

6 mins

Sep 5, 2017

049: The Real McCoy & a quote from Henry Blackaby – “God's commands are designed to guide you to life's very best."

8 mins

Aug 20, 2017

048: LIVE - 6 Biblical Keys to Happiness by Ryan Maher

16 mins

Aug 10, 2017

047: C.S. Lewis – "You must ask for God's help. After each failure, ask forgiveness, pick yourself up, and try again."

10 mins

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