Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church | Houston

C.S. Lewis for Today

Rejoignez le Dr. Clay Brown dans une classe en six parties qui met en lumière l'impact durable de C.S. Lewis à travers ses écrits influents, "Mere Christianity" et "The Abolition of Man."

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Week Six: The Abolition of Man, Part 2: "Masters of Our Own Destiny" (Audio)

• Sep 26, 2018


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Épisodes récents

Sep 26, 2018

Week Six: The Abolition of Man, Part 2: "Masters of Our Own Destiny" (Audio)

Sep 19, 2018

Week Five: The Abolition of Man, Part 1: "Clamoring for What We Render Impossible" (Audio)

Sep 12, 2018

Week Four: Mere Christianity, Part 3: “Not Better People, But New People" (Audio)

Sep 5, 2018

Week Three: Mere Christianity, Part 2: “Thinking About Morality” (Audio)

Aug 29, 2018

Week Two: Mere Christianity, Part 1: The Key to History (Audio)

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