Ruth & Troy Simons


Découvrez des vérités essentielles qui renforcent les liens familiaux et approfondissent la connexion avec Dieu. Rejoignez Ruth et Troy Simons pour des réflexions sur la foi.

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Foundation 12: Strive in Grace

30 mins • May 21, 2020

Épisodes récents

May 21, 2020

Foundation 12: Strive in Grace

30 mins

May 14, 2020

Foundation 11: Keep Your Hope in Heaven and Hold Lightly the Things of Earth

22 mins

May 7, 2020

Foundation 10: Think of Others as God Does: Image-Bearing Souls

21 mins

Apr 30, 2020

Foundation 9: Bear With One Another; Forgive as God has Forgiven You

20 mins

Apr 23, 2020

Foundation 8: Cultivate Praise, Prayer, Thanksgiving

26 mins

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