Pinche Gringo Podcast

Pinche Gringo Podcast

Rejoignez Dan et Julien pour des discussions sur la vie à Mexico, explorant la culture, l'actualité et des invités captivants.

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How is Mexico perceived from outside the country? E033

S1 E33 • 60 mins • May 22, 2020

Épisodes récents

May 22, 2020

How is Mexico perceived from outside the country? E033

S1 E33 • 60 mins

May 22, 2020

Sports in the era of Covid-19 E032

S1 E32 • 37 mins

May 8, 2020

From Mexico to Israel. What brings us together? What sets us apart?

S1 E31 • 48 mins

May 1, 2020

One more day of lockdown in Mexico E030

S1 E30 • 45 mins

Apr 24, 2020

Back to Mexico

S1 E29 • 54 mins

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