Colours of Cricket

Découvrez comment le cricket unit les communautés sud-asiatiques en Australie à travers les témoignages de joueurs et de fans, et son rôle dans le sentiment d'appartenance.

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Racism and sledging in Australian Cricket: How does it impact players of South Asian heritage?

28 mins • Oct 2, 2022

Épisodes récents

Oct 2, 2022

Racism and sledging in Australian Cricket: How does it impact players of South Asian heritage?

28 mins

Sep 26, 2022

Not just a 'gentleman’s game': How women changed cricket

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Sep 18, 2022

Tarrant, Sellers, Surti, Harinath: Unsung pioneers who connected Australia and India through cricket

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Sep 11, 2022

South Asian Fans: Changing the sound and spirit of cricket in Australia

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Sep 5, 2022

A new world order: How the Indian subcontinent is changing cricket's balance of power

31 mins

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