Association of Medical Media

AMM Conversation

Rejoignez Jason E. Carris alors qu'il aborde des sujets importants et des défis dans les médias et le marketing médical dans ce podcast engageant, disponible sur les principales plateformes.

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S1, E4: Dr. Augustine Fou explains big tech's issue with data privacy, "bad actors" in digital advertising, and best practices for medical media

S1 E4 • 27 mins • May 21, 2020

Épisodes récents

May 21, 2020

S1, E4: Dr. Augustine Fou explains big tech's issue with data privacy, "bad actors" in digital advertising, and best practices for medical media

S1 E4 • 27 mins

Apr 28, 2020

S1, Ep 3: Jon Bigelow explores the fragmented regulatory landscape and future challenges with data privacy

S1 E3 • 29 mins

Apr 21, 2020

S1, EP 2: Stephanie Hanaway discusses the AAFP's data privacy contract with its members, and the damage done by big tech companies and bad actors

S1 E2 • 26 mins

Apr 21, 2020

S1, E1: David Reim discusses data privacy best practices, the fragmented regulatory landscape, and medical media's high level of integrity

S1 E1 • 30 mins

Apr 3, 2020

Introducing Season One of the AMM Conversation

S1 1 mins

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