Shaun Penrod talks tips and stories with professional Magic: The Gathering
MTG Pro Tutor - Insights, Tips & Advice from Magic: The Gathering Pros
Écoutez un podcast populaire sur Magic: The Gathering avec des joueurs professionnels et des leaders de la communauté partageant leurs parcours et des conseils pratiques pour améliorer votre gameplay.
318: HUGE Announcement + Stop Over-Thinking with Michael Kundegraber (15th at Pro Tour Guilds of Ravnica)
51 mins • Jan 4, 2019
- 152Decreased by 15
- 54Increased by 94
- 150NEW
- 59Increased by 29
- 196Decreased by 13
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Jan 4, 2019
318: HUGE Announcement + Stop Over-Thinking with Michael Kundegraber (15th at Pro Tour Guilds of Ravnica)
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