First Covenant Church

Church History Podcast

Découvrez l'évolution de l'Église à travers l'histoire avec le Pasteur Kevin Wright. Cette série captivante met en lumière son influence mondiale et les leçons tirées du passé.

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157 - Modern Religion: Ryrie Study Bible, Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy, Pope John Paul II, the Jesus Film, the Middle East, New Gospels, Scandals, Emergent Church

• May 31, 2017

Épisodes récents

May 31, 2017

157 - Modern Religion: Ryrie Study Bible, Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy, Pope John Paul II, the Jesus Film, the Middle East, New Gospels, Scandals, Emergent Church

May 25, 2017

156 - Modern Religion: Willow Creek Community Church, Focus on the Family, The Myth of God Incarnate, The "New Perspective on Paul"

May 16, 2017

155 - Backlash to the New Conservatism: The NAS Bible, the Living Bible, Jerry Falwell, Evidence That Demands a Verdict, the NIV Bible, Yom Kippur War

May 9, 2017

154 - Backlash to the New Conservatism: Woodstock, the Jesus Movement, JPUSA, Chick Tracts, Hal Lindsey, TBN, The Exorcist

Apr 30, 2017

153 - Backlash to the New Conservatism Hare Krishnas, Six Day War, United Methodists, Hippies, Children of God, Bloody Thursday

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