Gaurav and Chetan

Career Bites

Rejoignez Gaurav Mittal et Chetan Agarwal pour explorer les options de carrière, les tendances technologiques et les expériences d'invités variés.

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Starting up, pivoting and finding that Product market fit

S1 52 mins • Jun 14, 2021

Épisodes récents

Jun 14, 2021

Starting up, pivoting and finding that Product market fit

S1 52 mins

May 9, 2021

A sneak peak into a SaaS startup - Discussion with Call Hippo founder

36 mins

Jan 31, 2021

How do content based internet companies look at their revenues?

S1 E4 • 16 mins

Jan 12, 2021

Behind the scenes

8 mins

Oct 23, 2020

Decoding Healthcare technology

S1 E20 • 47 mins

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