Angela Fusaro

Every Mother Knows

Rejoignez Angela Fusaro pour des conseils pratiques aux mères revenant au travail après une pause. Découvrez des histoires inspirantes et des ressources utiles.

Listen on Apple Podcasts

Motherhood and Leadership: A conversation with Colleen Gallagher on her leadership journey as a working mum

E14 • 22 mins • Jul 11, 2023

Épisodes récents

Jul 11, 2023

Motherhood and Leadership: A conversation with Colleen Gallagher on her leadership journey as a working mum

E14 • 22 mins

Apr 11, 2023

Bringing more mums into tech: A conversation with Whitney van der Zanden, Senior Growth Marketing Manager at Ironhack

E13 • 33 mins

Mar 14, 2023

Gender Roles, Trust and Leadership - A conversation with Akanksha Lohmore on the psychology of trust and it's impact in todays workplace

E12 • 42 mins

Feb 14, 2023

Parenting, Career and Relationships: A conversation with Luca Grasso on empathy and non-violent communication for more connection and love in life and at work

E11 • 31 mins

Jan 10, 2023

Moving and Living in the Netherlands

E10 • 26 mins

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