Oxford University

The State of the State

Explorez l'évolution de la gouvernance moderne en Europe de l'Ouest à travers des conférences éclairantes de chercheurs émergents à Oxford, favorisant la collaboration et l'excellence en recherche.

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Transformations of the State: Interdisciplinary Perspectives

69 mins • Jan 5, 2012


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Épisodes récents

Jan 5, 2012

Transformations of the State: Interdisciplinary Perspectives

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The State, Tolerance and Rationalism in Spinoza, Mendelssohn and Kant

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Jul 6, 2011

Opinion Formation and Democratic Legitimacy

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Jul 6, 2011

Globalisation, Inequality, and the State

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Jun 15, 2011

Regional courts as a substitute for the domestic rule of law: The Campbell case before the SADC Tribunal

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