National Democratic Institute

DemWorks, a podcast by the National Democratic Institute

Écoutez des échanges sur le développement démocratique avec des experts partageant leurs expériences et défis, éclairant les principes fondamentaux de la démocratie.

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24. Increasing Youth Political Inclusion through Debate

32 mins • Aug 12, 2020


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Épisodes récents

Aug 12, 2020

24. Increasing Youth Political Inclusion through Debate

32 mins

Jul 8, 2020

23. A Conversation With LGBTI Activists on Community-Building

30 mins

Jun 10, 2020

22. Derek Mitchell & Secretary Madeleine Albright on her past and democracy's future

27 mins

May 27, 2020

21. Pat Merloe & Congresswoman Karen Bass on Democratic Governance and COVID-19

12 mins

May 12, 2020

20. Pat Merloe and Julia Brothers on Elections During COVID

25 mins

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