Adegoke Sulucainan

MOV (Moments Of vibes ) ✊✊✊✊🏼

Un podcast créé par un jeune Nigérian, mettant en lumière les expériences et les perspectives des jeunes Nigérians tout en abordant des sujets et des tendances pertinents.

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Why are those who were born in the 2000s looking older than those born in the 1990s

26 mins • Mar 13, 2022

Épisodes récents

Mar 13, 2022

Why are those who were born in the 2000s looking older than those born in the 1990s

26 mins

Jan 6, 2022

After God fear women (some women)

S1 21 mins

Dec 15, 2021

What is Breakfast

11 mins

Oct 24, 2021

Oriflame market ing

S1 32 mins

Aug 1, 2021

Music reaction: Crown of Clay Mi ft Vector

S1 25 mins

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