Explorez comment vos expériences passées influencent votre présent et découvrez des moyens de guérir et de grandir grâce aux vies antérieures pour une transformation personnelle.
Past life knowledge - Interview with Laura from the role of Pratiloma therapist - Part 2 - Protection in Pratiloma-Yana, both for the patient and the therapis
S3 E6 • 36 mins • Sep 5, 2023
- 181Decreased by 53
- 197Decreased by 7
Épisodes récents

Sep 5, 2023
Past life knowledge - Interview with Laura from the role of Pratiloma therapist - Part 2 - Protection in Pratiloma-Yana, both for the patient and the therapis
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Aug 22, 2023
Past life knowledge - Interview with Ronda from the role of Pratiloma therapist - Part 2 - Psychosomatic diseases in patients
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Aug 15, 2023
Past life knowledge - Interview with Ronda from the role of Pratiloma therapist - Part 1 - The importance of trust in the Pratiloma patient-therapist relation
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Aug 8, 2023
Past life knowledge - Interview with Edi from the role of Pratiloma therapist - Preparatory exercises for patients
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