The average medical school student

The medical school conundrum, What the f*ck am I doing?

Suivez le parcours relatable de l'hôte à travers ses vingtaines, abordant l'amour, les relations, l'université, les finances et les hauts et bas de l'école de médecine et de la vie.

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having second thoughts about medschool and the opportunity cost of your 20s

23 mins • Mar 23, 2022

Épisodes récents

Mar 23, 2022

having second thoughts about medschool and the opportunity cost of your 20s

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May 6, 2021

"'re so pretty I didn't think you'd be that smart."

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Apr 30, 2021

Allowing “success” to be your identity and fear of failure later on in life

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Apr 30, 2021

Friendship, loneliness and rambling

S1 E4 • 26 mins

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