Adriana Lukic

English with Adriana

Améliorez votre expression orale en anglais et votre confiance en seulement 30 minutes par jour. Apprenez des techniques pour communiquer plus facilement.

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[#52 Conversations Episode: Scottish Accent] The difference between exam English and English for communication

30 mins • Dec 27, 2021

Épisodes récents

Dec 27, 2021

[#52 Conversations Episode: Scottish Accent] The difference between exam English and English for communication

30 mins

Dec 20, 2021

[#51 Conversations Episode: British Accent] The best way to improve your accent!

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Dec 13, 2021

[#50 Conversations Episode] How to use your English through songs to achieve fluency?

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Dec 6, 2021

[#49 Conversations Episode] Why shadowing is the best technique for accent reduction

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Nov 29, 2021

[#48 Conversations Episode: Australian Accent] Can you learn English through children's stories?

31 mins

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