Coach Parry

RUN with Coach Parry

Rejoignez le coach Lindsey Parry dans ce podcast hebdomadaire où il partage des conseils et des idées pour améliorer vos compétences en course, que vous affrontiez 10 km, 21 km ou un marathon.

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We help Steven plan his Comrades Marathon Back to Back attempt

31 mins • Mar 18, 2020

Épisodes récents

Mar 18, 2020

We help Steven plan his Comrades Marathon Back to Back attempt

31 mins

Mar 11, 2020

How running 4 days a week can turn you into a running machine - Hloni's one on one coaching call

32 mins

Mar 4, 2020

We help Alicia put a plan in place to run a sub 10 hour Comrades Marathon

23 mins

Feb 25, 2020

How Geoffrey went from a 3:15 marathon to a 2:53 in less than 18 months

32 mins

Feb 19, 2020

Strategies to run a sub 2:30 half marathon – Taryn Allwright’s 1 on 1 coaching call

25 mins

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