Rejoignez Om Malik pour des échanges enrichissants avec des experts en technologie sur son impact sociétal, complétant ainsi son blog, On My Om.

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The GeoPolitical Implications of A.I. - a chat with Sean Gourley

53 mins • Dec 25, 2023

Épisodes récents

Dec 25, 2023

The GeoPolitical Implications of A.I. - a chat with Sean Gourley

53 mins

Dec 18, 2023

Reality of Self-Driving Dreams w/ Trucks.VC Reilly Brennan

56 mins

Jan 26, 2023

Future of Search: A candid conversation with Sridhar Ramaswamy, an ex-Googler fighting his former employer with a new approach to search!

51 mins

Jun 29, 2020

Stuck@Om with Maria Konnikova

36 mins

Jun 26, 2020

Stuck@Om with Ophir Gottlieb

40 mins

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