Oxford University

Oxford Human Rights Hub Seminars

Rejoignez une communauté mondiale de chercheurs et de praticiens pour explorer les questions de droits de l'homme et collaborer sur des solutions lors de séminaires.

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Counter-Terrorism and Security in Europe after the Paris attacks

59 mins • Feb 23, 2016

Épisodes récents

Feb 23, 2016

Counter-Terrorism and Security in Europe after the Paris attacks

59 mins

Aug 21, 2015

The Right to Strike: A Menace to Hardworking People or Fundamental Human Rights?

63 mins

Aug 10, 2015

Right to Education

60 mins

May 18, 2015

Human Rights After the Election: A Near Miss or Apocalypse Now?

35 mins

Mar 30, 2015

The 30th Anniversary of Canadian Equality Rights: W(h)ither Sex Equality?

47 mins

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