Anger Management with Nick Clegg

Anger Management with Nick Clegg

Unisciti a un ex Vice Primo Ministro mentre conversano con ospiti di rilievo sull'aumento della rabbia nella società, le sue radici e l'impatto sulla politica e sulla cultura di oggi.

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8: Power Buster: EU Competition Commissioner MARGRETHE VESTAGER on populism and optimism

E8 • 50 mins • Jul 25, 2018

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Jul 25, 2018

8: Power Buster: EU Competition Commissioner MARGRETHE VESTAGER on populism and optimism

E8 • 50 mins

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6: Rome and away: Italy’s ex-PM MATTEO RENZI on power, populism… and football

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4: The Mother of All Battlers: HARRIET HARMAN on anger as an energy

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