Anger Management with Nick Clegg

Anger Management with Nick Clegg

Rejoignez un ancien vice-premier ministre et ses invités pour discuter de la montée de la colère dans la société et de son impact sur la politique et la culture actuelles.

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8: Power Buster: EU Competition Commissioner MARGRETHE VESTAGER on populism and optimism

E8 • 50 mins • Jul 25, 2018

Épisodes récents

Jul 25, 2018

8: Power Buster: EU Competition Commissioner MARGRETHE VESTAGER on populism and optimism

E8 • 50 mins

Jul 12, 2018

7: “This is not America”: former US Vice President JOE BIDEN on the power of positive example

E7 • 66 mins

Jun 27, 2018

6: Rome and away: Italy’s ex-PM MATTEO RENZI on power, populism… and football

E6 • 37 mins

Jun 13, 2018

5: Global Soul: writer and campaigner ELIF SHAFAK on art vs. anger

E5 • 51 mins

May 30, 2018

4: The Mother of All Battlers: HARRIET HARMAN on anger as an energy

E4 • 50 mins

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