Thanks Trauma

Thanks Trauma

Questo podcast offre supporto per le persone colpite da traumi infantili, condividendo storie personali e intuizioni per favorire la guarigione e la crescita personale in un ambiente sicuro.

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11. Do you often try to guess or assume the emotions and feelings of others to keep yourself safe?

15 mins • Dec 28, 2020

Episodi recenti

Dec 28, 2020

11. Do you often try to guess or assume the emotions and feelings of others to keep yourself safe?

15 mins

Nov 12, 2020

10. Your suicidal thoughts are valid

10 mins

Oct 28, 2020

9. Fear of abandonment: the fear of being left alone

10 mins

Oct 20, 2020

8. What codependency is and what it's like to be codependent

10 mins

Oct 13, 2020

7. Do you feel safe and secure when you worry and are in control?

14 mins

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