Cardiology Now

Cardiology Now

Rimani informato con discussioni coinvolgenti e prospettive su argomenti di tendenza e eventi attuali che ti interessano. Sintonizzati per nuove intuizioni e dibattiti vivaci.

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Peripheral Arterial Disease: MACE and MALE Including Leg Amputation

19 mins • May 14, 2018

Episodi recenti

May 14, 2018

Peripheral Arterial Disease: MACE and MALE Including Leg Amputation

19 mins

May 14, 2018

Organizing and Actualizing a Polypharmacy

20 mins

Apr 27, 2018

Clinician Education about Peripheral Arterial Disease

5 mins

Apr 27, 2018

Vascular Access Complications

4 mins

Apr 27, 2018

SCAI Global Focus

5 mins

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