Unisciti al giornalista veterano Kojo Mensah ogni settimana mentre esplora argomenti politici e sociali vitali spesso trascurati dai media mainstream. Ottieni nuove intuizioni e prospettive.
Why can't the government of Ghana see how annoying the e-levy is? Where is the money from the IMF?
20 mins • Feb 15, 2022
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Episodi recenti

Feb 15, 2022
Why can't the government of Ghana see how annoying the e-levy is? Where is the money from the IMF?
20 mins

Feb 12, 2022
The church and betting: Will the church reject money earned from betting because it preaches against that activity?
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Feb 1, 2022
34 African countries have banned plastics, what is Ghana waiting for?
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Jan 27, 2022
What's all the noise about Alban Bagbin's military guards? Why is it a big issue?
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Jan 19, 2022
Is it democratic to train journalists at a chief's palace, where democracy isn't the strongest factor?
E4 • 18 mins

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