Another Perspective

Another Perspective

Únete al periodista Kojo Mensah cada semana mientras explora temas políticos y sociales a menudo ignorados por los medios convencionales. Obtén nuevas perspectivas.

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Why can't the government of Ghana see how annoying the e-levy is? Where is the money from the IMF?

20 mins • Feb 15, 2022

Episodios recientes

Feb 15, 2022

Why can't the government of Ghana see how annoying the e-levy is? Where is the money from the IMF?

20 mins

Feb 12, 2022

The church and betting: Will the church reject money earned from betting because it preaches against that activity?

17 mins

Feb 1, 2022

34 African countries have banned plastics, what is Ghana waiting for?

18 mins

Jan 27, 2022

What's all the noise about Alban Bagbin's military guards? Why is it a big issue?

20 mins

Jan 19, 2022

Is it democratic to train journalists at a chief's palace, where democracy isn't the strongest factor?

E4 • 18 mins

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