Shanna Fougerousse and Susan Roberson

Life, Love and the Pursuit of Kingdom

Sintonizzati ogni settimana con Shanna e Susan di The Undivided Heart per conversazioni aperte su amore, vita e il percorso di dare priorità alla fede nella vita quotidiana.

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91. Inherent Value

S5 30 mins • May 26, 2023


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Episodi recenti

May 26, 2023

91. Inherent Value

S5 30 mins

May 19, 2023

90. Encountering God

S5 35 mins

May 12, 2023

89. Interview with Ben Venable: Deconstructing Religion

S5 39 mins

May 5, 2023

88. Hindsight is 20/20

S5 26 mins

Apr 28, 2023

87. Interview with Susan Fleming: Biblical Wealth Mindset Coach

S5 42 mins

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