Shanna Fougerousse and Susan Roberson

Life, Love and the Pursuit of Kingdom

Écoutez chaque semaine Shanna et Susan de The Undivided Heart pour des conversations ouvertes sur l'amour, la vie et le voyage de la priorité de la foi dans la vie quotidienne.

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91. Inherent Value

S5 30 mins • May 26, 2023


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Épisodes récents

May 26, 2023

91. Inherent Value

S5 30 mins

May 19, 2023

90. Encountering God

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May 12, 2023

89. Interview with Ben Venable: Deconstructing Religion

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May 5, 2023

88. Hindsight is 20/20

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Apr 28, 2023

87. Interview with Susan Fleming: Biblical Wealth Mindset Coach

S5 42 mins

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