Kate Clancy

PERIOD Podcast

Unisciti all'ospite Kate Clancy mentre affronta tutti gli aspetti del ciclo mestruale, condividendo intuizioni e storie che celebrano le mestruazioni e promuovono conversazioni aperte.

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Breakthrough bleed - Illness Stigma and the COVID-19 Pandemic

34 mins • May 8, 2020

Episodi recenti

May 8, 2020

Breakthrough bleed - Illness Stigma and the COVID-19 Pandemic

34 mins

Apr 14, 2020

Breakthrough bleed - menstrual pads as masks?

29 mins

Mar 31, 2020

Breakthrough bleed - my kid's review of Go With the Flow

12 mins

Oct 21, 2019

S3 Episode 35 Living with endo

S3 E35 • 59 mins

Oct 14, 2019

S3 Episode 34 Is it that hard to study female mice?

S3 E34 • 47 mins

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