Challis Popkey

ICED - Athletes, injuries & mental health

Esplora le sfide emotive che gli atleti affrontano quando le infortuni colpiscono e le passioni svaniscono. Questo podcast condivide storie personali di resilienza e guarigione nello sport.

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Episode 11: Katie Kellner broke her pelvis training for her first Boston Marathon

S1 E11 • 34 mins • May 20, 2020

Episodi recenti

May 20, 2020

Episode 11: Katie Kellner broke her pelvis training for her first Boston Marathon

S1 E11 • 34 mins

May 13, 2020

Episode 10: Two knee surgeries didn't stop Breezy Johnson (skiing)

S1 E10 • 44 mins

May 6, 2020

BONUS episode! *EXCLUSIVE* SNEAK PEAK of PolyPro 3

S1 13 mins

Apr 29, 2020

Episode 9: "No one cares about your injury" with Avital Shimko (mogul skier)

S1 E9 • 41 mins

Apr 19, 2020

Episode 8: "You live and die by your own decisions" with pro skier Mark Taché

S1 E8 • 38 mins

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