hosted by Marianne Williams BSc Hons, RD, MSc

Clinical Cases

Esplora storie personali di pazienti che mettono in evidenza le realtà della vita con varie condizioni mediche. Ottieni spunti da esperienze reali per migliorare la cura e la comprensione.

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Episode 4: How can hay fever lead to frightening reactions with fruit & vegetables?

S1 E4 • 43 mins • Apr 9, 2023

Episodi recenti

Apr 9, 2023

Episode 4: How can hay fever lead to frightening reactions with fruit & vegetables?

S1 E4 • 43 mins

Dec 18, 2022

Episode 3: Clinical Cases: Tanya Wright Specialist Allergy Dietitian: How eczema developed into anaphylaxis? And could this have been avoided?

S1 E3 • 22 mins

Mar 3, 2020

Episode 2: Clinical Cases: GP, Dr Charlie Andrews, talks candidly about his battle with ulcerative colitis

S1 E2 • 32 mins

Jan 31, 2020

Episode 1: Clinical Cases: Is this coeliac disease?

S1 E1 • 33 mins

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