LVB Show (Low Vision Bureau Official Podcast)

Alvaro Gutierrez's Podcast

Questo podcast connette le persone non vedenti con i loro cari e con la comunità vedente, offrendo intuizioni ed esperienze da un conduttore con sfide personali.

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Voice Recorder HD, accessible app for mobile phones

11 mins • Jun 14, 2015

Episodi recenti

Jun 14, 2015

Voice Recorder HD, accessible app for mobile phones

11 mins

May 31, 2015

Some of what is needed to have an equal society

28 mins

May 24, 2015

FREE Scanning app for iPhone for the v.i and blind (Voice)

23 mins

May 17, 2015

Where does v.i and blind people live and how is life there? New episode!

15 mins

May 10, 2015

How is life for the V.I and Blind where they live? Episode 3

22 mins

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