Beatriz Vargas | Christian Wife & Marriage Coach

The Grace Fueled Wife | Communication, Intimacy, Separation, Reconciliation, Christian Marriage

Ti senti disconnessa nel tuo matrimonio? Unisciti a Beatriz mentre condivide la sua storia personale di trasformazione, offrendo spunti su comunicazione, intimità e lavoro di squadra.

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Episodi recenti

Mar 10, 2020

E5// How can you find true, Godly friendship as an adult?

E5 • 48 mins

Mar 3, 2020

E4// The lie - No one can know what’s going on

E4 • 19 mins

Feb 21, 2020

E3//The lie - It’s no big deal

E3 • 21 mins

Feb 14, 2020

E2// The hard truth about who is to blame for issues in your marriage: The lie - It’s not me its YOU

E2 • 10 mins

Feb 14, 2020

E1//My Rockbottom Story: God Redeemed my marriage and can do the same for you!

E1 • 31 mins