- 1Increased by 0NRC
NRC Onbehaarde Apen
- 2Increased by 0Universiteit van Nederland
De Universiteit van Nederland Podcast
- 3Increased by 3Scientias
Scientias Podcast
- 4Decreased by 1de Volkskrant
Ondertussen in de kosmos
- 5Decreased by 1NPO Radio 1 / EO
De Koningswens
- 6Decreased by 1NPO 2 / NTR
- 7Increased by 104Origins Center
Over leven in het heelal
- 8Decreased by 1Suzanne Rethans
We zijn toch niet gek?
- 9Decreased by 1Hens Zimmerman
Zimmerman en Space
- 10Increased by 1Neil deGrasse Tyson
StarTalk Radio
- 12Decreased by 3NEMO Kennislink
Oplossing gezocht
- 13NEWRadio 1
- 14Increased by 5NRC
Boven Water
- 15Decreased by 2Hidden Brain, Shankar Vedantam
Hidden Brain
- 16Increased by 6Universiteit van Vlaanderen
De Universiteit van Vlaanderen Podcast
- 17Increased by 1Nederlandse Internisten Vereniging
De Grote Visite
- 18Decreased by 4Sam Harris
Making Sense with Sam Harris
- 19Increased by 1Wageningen University & Research
Wetenschapper in Polarisatie
- 20Decreased by 8MDL Fonds
- 21Decreased by 5WNYC Studios
- 22Decreased by 1NPO Radio 1 / NTR
De weg van de dodo
- 23NEWInstitute of Tropical Medicine in Antwerp
- 24Increased by 33BBC Radio 4
Curious Cases
- 25Decreased by 10BBC Radio 4
The Infinite Monkey Cage
- 26Increased by 26De Standaard
- 27Increased by 0BBC Radio 4
Uncharted with Hannah Fry
- 28Increased by 0SYNClab & Movez Network
Jong en Veerkrachtig
- 29Decreased by 12The Guardian
Science Weekly
- 30Increased by 47Sue Marriott LCSW, CGP & Ann Kelley PhD
Therapist Uncensored Podcast
- 31Increased by 3Nederlands Tijdschrift Voor Geneeskunde
- 32Increased by 23Natuur en Wetenschap door: Prof. Menno Gerkema en Erwin Balkema
Menno en Erwin about Nature and Science
- 33Increased by 10Stress in Action
Stress Navigation
- 34Increased by 10ESB
Winst is mij een zorg
- 35Decreased by 12NPO Radio 1 / NTR
De Man en de Maan
- 36Decreased by 11Lieven Scheire
Nerdland Podcast
- 37NEWDr Alex Dickinson
The Geonomics Podcast
- 38Decreased by 14Nate Hagens
The Great Simplification with Nate Hagens
- 39Increased by 19Quest
Quest Leest Voor
- 40Increased by 24nimac
پادکست آذرخش مکری - azarakhsh mokri
- 41Increased by 21Het Geluidshuis
Wetenschapje (8+)
- 42Decreased by 16NRC
NRC Future Affairs
- 43Increased by 32RINO Groep Podcast
RINO Groep Podcast
- 44Decreased by 15Vox
- 45Decreased by 13Jan van Riswick
Geschiedenis van de Natuurkunde
- 46Decreased by 13Anthonie Stip - De Vlinderstichting
Toekomst voor Natuur
- 47Increased by 29Timo Roeke
Gewoon Vogels
- 48Increased by 54BBC Radio 4
More or Less: Behind the Stats
- 49Increased by 39Bir Aile Meselesi
Bir Aile Meselesi
- 51Increased by 53Rijksacademie van Financiën & de Universiteit Utrecht
College van Kelder & Teulings
- 52Decreased by 21Medisch Contact
De Groene Zorg Podcast
- 53Increased by 52Rijksmuseum Boerhaave
Grote Vragen
- 54Decreased by 19Dr. Mindy Pelz
The Resetter Podcast with Dr. Mindy Pelz
- 55Decreased by 19eoswetenschap
Eos Wetenschap
- 56Increased by 52Marcel-Jan Krijgsman
Maan en Planeten Podcast
- 57Increased by 11Anco van Hal
- 58Increased by 58Bret Weinstein & Heather Heying
DarkHorse Podcast
- 59Increased by 14iHeartPodcasts
Daniel and Kelly’s Extraordinary Universe
- 60Increased by 62Taylor Sparks and Andrew Falkowski
Materialism: A Materials Science Podcast
- 61Decreased by 2Sean Carroll | Wondery
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
- 62Decreased by 25Universiteit van Amsterdam Academy
UvA Podcast voor Professionals
- 63Decreased by 10BBC Radio 4
BBC Inside Science
- 64Decreased by 23Alie Ward
Ologies with Alie Ward
- 65Increased by 99Jules Kleedt Uit - De Podcast
Jules Kleedt Uit - De Podcast
- 66Decreased by 28Rijksmuseum van Oudheden
Oog op de Oudheid
- 67Decreased by 28Janske van Eersel
Van de baan
- 68Increased by 10Robinson Erhardt
Robinson's Podcast
- 69Decreased by 27Paul M. Sutter
Ask a Spaceman!
- 71Increased by 119Mark Gober and Blue Duck Media
Where Is My Mind?
- 72NEWAstrum
Astrum Space
- 73NEWNPO Radio 1 / BNNVARA
Vroege Vogels in 30 minuten
- 74Increased by 29Astro Mitch
Geef mij de ruimte podcast
- 75Decreased by 25NPO Radio 1 / AVROTROS
dr Kelder en Co
- 76Increased by 110SWOV
- 77Increased by 17Deutschlandfunk
- 78Increased by 35T.M.C. Asser Instituut
JurisDictions: International law podcast
- 79Decreased by 34Daan & Merlijn Schneiders / Corti Media
Verrukkelijke Wetenschap
- 80NEWWild Bird Trust, NGOWP, House of Pod
Guardians of the River
- 81NEWDirk de Bekker & CLM
Red de Lente
Nieuwe Economen
Rätsel der Wissenschaft
- 84Decreased by 38Nirma Haggenburg
ADHD Dingen
- 85NEWHumanly Possible
Our Big Shot
- 86NEWInternational Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society
MDS Podcast
- 87NEWDrs. Ayesha and Dean Sherzai
Your Brain On
- 88NEWOceanSounds.com
Ocean Sounds
- 89NEWRathenau Instituut
- 90NEWVogelbescherming Nederland
- 91NEWVito Rodolfo Albano
Il podcast di Piergiorgio Odifreddi: Lezioni e Conferenze.
- 92NEWJames Harper
The Science of Coffee
- 93NEWVogelbescherming Nederland
- 94NEWSano Genetics
The Genetics Podcast
- 96NEWCharles Schwab
Choiceology with Katy Milkman
- 97Decreased by 34Spotify Studios
Science Vs
- 98NEWWageningen University & Research Open Teelten | Field Crops
Van Paper naar Pieper
- 99NEWSveriges Radio
- 100NEWVogelbescherming Nederland
- 101NEWHuw Richards
The Huw Richards Show
- 102NEWDaniel Midgley, Ben Ainslie, and Hedvig Skirgård
Because Language - a podcast about linguistics, the science of language.
- 103NEWRestored.cc
The Carbon Removal Show | Negative Emissions, Net Zero, Climate Positive
- 104NEWChemistry World
Chemistry in its element
- 105NEWKoninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen
KNAW-podcast Planetary Health
- 106NEWAmerican Psychological Association
APA Journals Dialogue
- 107NEWPine Research
The Electrochemistry Podcast
- 108Decreased by 61Jeroen Boumans en Joep van der Heiden
De Sterrenwachter
- 109NEWRadio 1
Het Mirakel van Schuman
- 110Decreased by 61Land van Ons
Land van Ons
- 111Decreased by 60Black-Footed Ferret Productions, LLC
Forever Chemicals
- 112Decreased by 56National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
NASA's Curious Universe
- 113Decreased by 65NPO Luister / WNL
Stand van Nederland
- 114Increased by 55Sovon Vogelonderzoek Nederland
- 115Decreased by 55PBS
Eons: Surviving Deep Time
- 116Decreased by 62Sander Kooijman
De kinderpsycholoog Podcast
- 117Decreased by 56SUE & The Alchemists
Wat gebeurt er eigenlijk in je hoofd?
- 118Increased by 5BBC World Service
Science In Action
- 119Decreased by 48Science Friday and WNYC Studios
Science Friday
- 120Decreased by 53Het College voor de toelating van gewasbeschermingsmiddelen en biociden
Middelen, Mensen en Milieu
- 121Decreased by 51BBC Radio 4
This Natural Life
- 122Decreased by 53NPR
Short Wave
Psyche & Geloof: de podcast
- 124Decreased by 52Netspar
Netspar Podcast Pensioen & Wetenschap
- 125Decreased by 41Quanta Magazine
Quanta Science Podcast
- 126NEWiHeartPodcasts
The Psychology Podcast
- 128Decreased by 54You Are Not So Smart
You Are Not So Smart
- 129Decreased by 48NPR
- 131Decreased by 51Geopop
Geopop - Le Scienze nella vita di tutti i giorni
- 132Decreased by 50Energy NL - feitelijke informatie over de energietransitie
De energietransitie uitgelegd
- 133Decreased by 44Erasmus University Rotterdam
Studio Erasmus
- 134NEWDavid, Javier y Miki
Heavy Mental
- 135Decreased by 49KU Leuven
KU Leuven Sonoor
- 136Decreased by 51ABC listen
Science Friction
- 137NEWHack The Box
Hack The Box: Stories
- 138NEWStanford Engineering
The Future of Everything
- 140Decreased by 53NPO Luister / BNNVARA
- 141Decreased by 49Roanne van Voorst, PhD. Dr. Anthropologist
The Emic - Anthropological stories from the field
- 142Decreased by 49bitesz.com
Astronomy Daily | Space News
- 143Decreased by 48Freakonomics Radio + Stitcher
Freakonomics, M.D.
- 144Decreased by 48Språktidningen
Språktidningens podd
- 145Decreased by 48BOLD
BOLD insights
- 146Decreased by 48Markus Voelter, Nora Ludewig
omega tau science & engineering podcast
- 147NEWCarrie Nugent
- 148Decreased by 49Ricardo Migueis
The Insider
- 149Decreased by 49Nitin Sharma
It's Me Again
- 150NEW2 Funny Astronauts
2 Funny Astronauts
- 151Decreased by 42Thijs Meijer, Thijs van Hofslot en gasten
Tjif en Tjaf
- 152Decreased by 51VGCt
VGCt podcast
- 153Decreased by 43BBC World Service
Unexpected Elements
- 154Decreased by 47Fleur Lambermon
- 156Decreased by 39BBC World Service
- 157Decreased by 43ABC listen
The Science Show
- 158Decreased by 46Universiteit van Amsterdam / University of Amsterdam
Net Echt
- 159Decreased by 44Critical Frequency
- 160Decreased by 42Steven Strogatz, Janna Levin and Quanta Magazine
The Joy of Why
- 161Decreased by 42Oost
De Stikstof Podcast
- 162Decreased by 42Santa Fe Institute
- 163Decreased by 34Clinician's Brief
Clinician's Brief: The Podcast
- 164Decreased by 40Abbey Sharp / Frequency Podcast Network
Bite Back with Abbey Sharp
- 165Decreased by 40KNMI
- 166Decreased by 45Chris and Jesse
PlanetGeo: The Geology Podcast
- 167Decreased by 41PodcastOne
Ancient Aliens
- 168Decreased by 40Mises Institute
Theory and History
- 169Decreased by 39Roy Veldhuizen en Ginny Ranu
- 170Decreased by 43Melissa and Jam, Bleav
Chemistry For Your Life
- 171Decreased by 39Radboud Universiteit
Radboud Science Snacks
- 172Increased by 2Common Descent
The Common Descent Podcast
- 173Decreased by 67BBC Radio 4
The Life Scientific
- 174Decreased by 43Universiteit van Amsterdam / UvA / Pedagogische en Onderwijswetenschappen
Over Onderwijs & Opvoeding
- 175Decreased by 42Wilde Wieven : Laura en Ilona
De Kruidencast
- 176Decreased by 41Dr. Tara Swart Bieber
Reinvent Yourself with Dr. Tara
- 177Decreased by 10Springer Nature Limited
Nature Podcast
- 178Decreased by 44Brian S. Lowery
Know What You See with Brian Lowery
- 179Decreased by 17iHeartPodcasts
This Podcast Will Kill You
- 180Decreased by 44BBC World Service
The Climate Question
- 181Decreased by 41BBC Radio Scotland
Scotland Outdoors
- 182Decreased by 36Scott Vandehey & Chuck Lauer Vose
It's a Very Exciting Time
- 183Decreased by 44TNO
TNO Insights
- 184Decreased by 43Canopy & Stars
A Life More Wild
- 185Decreased by 48Wouter Mulders, Igno Notermans
Voer voor verandering
- 186Decreased by 31PRX and Greater Good Science Center
The Science of Happiness
- 187Decreased by 44Nic Ryan Media | Unexplained Supernatural Stories
Paranormal Mysteries
- 188Decreased by 43Miu van den Berg
De duistere kant van genot
- 189Decreased by 45BBC Radio 5 Live
5 Live Science Podcast
- 190NEWOmroep Brabant
Stuifmail Podcast - Alles over de natuur
- 191Decreased by 28Iszi Lawrence and David Hone
Terrible Lizards
- 192Decreased by 44Liberi Oltre Le Illusioni
XANADU: Il Meraviglioso Mondo della Scienza
- 193Decreased by 43Flot.bio
Flot.bio x Philip Hemme
- 195Decreased by 46Rising Giants Network
نبات | Nabat
- 196Decreased by 45Thibault Schrepel
Scaling Theory
- 198Decreased by 45Neuroscience: Amateur Hour
Neuroscience: Amateur Hour
- 199Decreased by 45Ludwig von Mises
Human Action: A Treatise on Economics
- 200Decreased by 44Mercatus Center at George Mason University
The Marginal Revolution Podcast