Apple Podcasts – Dinamarca – Educação
Os melhores podcasts em Dinamarca dos rankings do Apple Podcasts para Educação.
- 1Increased by 0Region Hovedstaden
To streger - en podcast om graviditet og fødsel
- 2Increased by 1Alexander Kai Thomsen, Kathrine Gotfredsen, Torben Lykke Sørensen
Øjenåbner - Øjensygdomme for medicinstuderende
- 3Decreased by 1Mel Robbins
The Mel Robbins Podcast
- 4Increased by 0Kristina Trolle
Ramt Af Stjernerne
- 5Increased by 0Sofie Lindholm
Dansk i ørerne
- 6Increased by 1Civility Media
The Jefferson Fisher Podcast
- 8Increased by 6Alexander Holm og Mathias Bondo Kim
Den Dyriske Time
- 9Decreased by 1ALT for damerne
Bevidst Ubevidst
- 10Decreased by 1The Atlantic
How to Age Up
- 11Increased by 1Kisser Paludan
Soultalk - Kisser Paludan
- 12Decreased by 1Enneagramekspert Flemming Christensen
Enneagrammet Next Level podcast
- 13Decreased by 3Higher Ground
IMO with Michelle Obama and Craig Robinson
- 14Decreased by 1Rich Roll
The Rich Roll Podcast
- 15Increased by 4Belinda Donkin og Anne Stærk Dickenson
De tre Principper med Stærk & Donkin
- 16Decreased by 1Danmarks Idrætsforbund (DIF)
Pigernes Banehalvdel
- 17Increased by 8Socialt Indblik
Pædagogisk kvarter
- 18Decreased by 2Frederik Rehder Fuglsang
Loven Om Tiltrækning
- 19Decreased by 2Børsen
Lederens Dilemma
- 20Increased by 16Coffee Break Languages
Coffee Break French
- 21Decreased by 3Månedsskrift for almen praksis
Månedsskrift for almen praksis
- 22Increased by 5emma chamberlain
anything goes with emma chamberlain
- 23Decreased by 1BBC Radio
Learning English Conversations
- 24Increased by 11Jordan Harbinger
The Jordan Harbinger Show
- 25Increased by 7Aske Ludvig Rask
Nervesystemet - Adfærd og Forandring
- 26Increased by 50Alexander Gammelholm, Nicklas Kronow og Lukas Toft Hansen
- 27Decreased by 7Simon Wilbrandt
Forunderlige Børn
- 28Decreased by 7Best Life Guide
Best Life Guide
- 29Increased by 96Helle Krog
- 30Decreased by 7Coffee Break Languages
Coffee Break Italian
- 31Increased by 15Nicolai Durafour
Filosofisk Grundkursus
- 32Decreased by 8Professionshøjskolen UCN
I sygeplejens fodspor
- 33Decreased by 7Daily Stoic | Wondery
The Daily Stoic
- 34Decreased by 6Mannah Guldager
Lyden Af Et Bedre Liv By Mannah
- 35Increased by 15Lars Mygind og Mannah Guldager
Traume Terapi
- 36Increased by 15Marius Stangeland
Lær norsk nå!
- 37Increased by 17Cari, Manuel und das Team von Easy German
Easy German: Learn German with native speakers | Deutsch lernen mit Muttersprachlern
- 38Decreased by 9Cecilie Gredal
- 39Decreased by 8Kisser Paludan og Gitte Koldtoft
Et kursus i mirakler
- 40Decreased by 10Matteo, Raffaele and the Easy Italian team
Easy Italian: Learn Italian with real conversations | Imparare l'italiano con conversazioni reali
- 41Increased by 34Carina Svendsen
- 42Decreased by 9Lewis Howes
The Daily Motivation
- 43Decreased by 9Professionshøjskolen UCN
POP - På opdagelse i pædagogik og læring
- 44Decreased by 7Lindsay McMahon and Michelle Kaplan
All Ears English Podcast
- 45Decreased by 7Caroline Johansen
Flugten fra hamsterhjulet
- 46Decreased by 7JuraLyt
- 47Increased by 40Manuvision
Manuvision podcast om krop og psyke
- 48Decreased by 7Human Design Akademiet
Human Design Akademiet
- 49Increased by 40Dr. Steven Greer
The Dr. Steven Greer Podcast
- 50NEWPatrick Thun und Jan Kruse
14 Minuten - Deine tägliche Portion Deutsch - Deutsch lernen für Fortgeschrittene
- 51Increased by 55Forskningscenter for pædagogik og deltagelse, VIA University College
Pædagogisk Extrakt
Das sagt man so! | Audios | DW Deutsch lernen
- 54Increased by 79KABS Stjernevang
DAT i KABS Stjernevang
- 55Decreased by 13Diana Lillianna Axelsen
Ud Af Natten
- 56Decreased by 13Lentz & Hejlskov
Lentz & Hejlskov
- 57Decreased by 12Kim Lund Nielsen
Autisme og ADHD indefra
- 58Decreased by 14Ed Mylett | Cumulus Podcast Network
- 59NEWStephanie Pedersen
Bag dig og mig
- 60Increased by 83Nationalt Videncenter for Læsning
Nationalt Videncenter for Læsnings podcast
- 61Increased by 83Anders Fogh Jensen
Filosoffens Podcast
- 62NEWForsikringsakademiet
SUCCEED 1- Personlig ledelse vaner og mindset
- 63Decreased by 16Ditte og Pernille Link I/S
- 64Decreased by 16NPR
Life Kit
- 65Decreased by 16VIA Uddannelsesakademi
- 66Increased by 101BBC Radio
Learning English Grammar
- 67Increased by 97Mihed
Wherever You’re At.
- 68NEWBegin Again
Begin Again with Davina McCall
- 69Decreased by 17Karnov, K-NEWS
- 70Decreased by 17Spanish Language Coach
Intermediate Spanish Podcast - Español Intermedio
- 71Decreased by 12Coffee Break Languages
Coffee Break Spanish
- 72Decreased by 17Kennet Wedel
SOSU - Gør en forskel!
- 73Decreased by 15Hardeep Dhanjal
Styrk dit mindset - Hardeep Dhanjal
- 75Decreased by 18Choses à Savoir
Learn French with daily podcasts
Langsam Gesprochene Nachrichten | Audios | DW Deutsch lernen
- 77NEWBrianna Gomez
Hot and Unbothered
- 78Decreased by 18Pierre - Français avec Pierre
Learn French with French Podcasts - Français avec Pierre
- 79Decreased by 18Chad P. Bown
Trade Talks
- 80Decreased by 18Nagisa Morimoto
Little Talk in Slow French
- 81Decreased by 17Hélène & Judith
Easy French: Learn French through authentic conversations | Conversations authentiques pour apprendre le français
- 82Decreased by 19Djøf Forlag
Djøfcast - Statskundskabens klassikere
- 83Decreased by 5Dr. Jordan B. Peterson
The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast
- 84NEWLars Rasmussen og Glen Voss
Få mere ud af dig selv!
- 85Decreased by 20Spanish Language Coach
Advanced Spanish Podcast - Español Avanzado
- 86NEWLIFE Fonden
- 87Decreased by 21Mathilde - Private Online Lessons
Danish Lessons: Dansk på farten / Danish on the go
- 88Decreased by 20Bliv bevidst og lev livet som et helt menneske
Lev kvinde
- 89Decreased by 19Anna Staffe
Selvværds Projektet
- 90Decreased by
Det Med Småt
- 91Decreased by 17Holger Spanggaard
Holger Spanggaard: Parterapeut, sexolog og psykoterapeut
- 92Decreased by 23bro
bro fm
- 93Decreased by 21LK
Learn About Islam
- 94Decreased by 21Swedish Linguist
Simple Swedish Podcast
- 95NEWFrench Through Stories
French Through Stories
- 96NEWBBC News
Learning English For Work
- 97Decreased by 26The Resilient Mind
The Resilient Mind
- 98NEWMWW Productions, Bleav
The Other Side NDE (Near Death Experiences)
- 99Decreased by 17Deutschlandfunk Nova
Eine Stunde History - Deutschlandfunk Nova
- 100Decreased by 23Daily Italian with Elena
Stories in Slow Italian - Learn Italian through stories
- 101Decreased by 21Sanne Østergaard Nissen & Julie Kowal Kristiansen
Træn Trivslen
- 102Decreased by 23Language Learning Accelerator
Engelsk læringsaccelerator
- 103Decreased by 22Efter Lægeløftet
Efter Lægeløftet
- 104NEWStemmer fra Skolen
Stemmer fra Skolen
- 105NEWRobin Meinert
Auf Deutsch gesagt!
- 106Decreased by 22Peter Frostholm & Jakob Bjerre
PETERgogikum - Danmarks podcast om pædagogik
- 107Decreased by 24Absalon Podcast
Led, ledere, ledelse
- 108Decreased by 23Dr. Michael Gervais
Finding Mastery with Dr. Michael Gervais
- 109NEWLanguage Learning Accelerator
Tysk læringsaccelerator
- 110Decreased by 24For You From Eve
For You From Eve
- 111Decreased by 20Maria Alstrup
Spektrum Snak
- 112Decreased by 17Lauryn Bosstick & Michael Bosstick / Dear Media
The Skinny Confidential Him & Her Podcast
- 113Decreased by 23Pau and the Easy Spanish team
Easy Spanish: Learn Spanish with everyday conversations | Conversaciones del día a día para aprender español
- 114Decreased by 26Ervin
Learning with Ervin
- 115Decreased by 22BBC Radio
6 Minute English
- 116Decreased by 13Andreas og Louis
Alkoholfri Brødre
- 117NEWDr. Morgan Anderson
Let’s Get Vulnerable: Relationship and Dating Advice
- 118Decreased by 26Marie Forleo
The Marie Forleo Podcast
- 119Decreased by 22Efi Asvesti
My Greek Teacher Podcast
- 120Decreased by 26Coffee Break Languages
Coffee Break German
- 121NEWDeutsch-Podcast
Deutsch Podcast - Deutsch lernen
- 122Decreased by 26Sarah Golding
Indie AF
- 123NEWDuolingo
Duolingo French Podcast
- 124Decreased by 26Linguistica 360
News in Slow German
- 125NEWVanessa Fontana
Figuring Sh!t Out
- 126Decreased by 27Gyldendal Naturfag
Idræt i ørerne
- 127NEWDW
Deutsche im Alltag – Alltagsdeutsch | Audios | DW Deutsch lernen
- 128Decreased by 28Ysabel Murguia
Corporate Spiritual
- 129NEWOskar Nyström
Swedish podcast for beginners (Lätt svenska med Oskar)
- 130Decreased by 26携隐Melody
- 131Decreased by 30Rachel Loren
Dangerously Divine: Feminine Energy and Embodiment
- 132Decreased by 30Tina Gliese
- 133NEWDW
Top-Thema mit Vokabeln | Audios | DW Deutsch lernen
- 134NEWKatrin
Learn Swedish with Katrin
- 135Decreased by 25Wenzes
- 136NEWGeoviden, Geocenter Danmark
- 137NEWLisbet Bladbjerg og Helle Kibsgaard
- 138Decreased by 12Mark Manson
The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck Podcast
- 139NEWWizard James
Good Morning, Legend | Daily Activations for the 5D Creator
- 140NEWakbarschamber
Akbar's Chamber - Experts Talk Islam
- 141Decreased by 36AJ Hoge
Effortless English Podcast | Learn English with AJ Hoge
- 142NEWDeutsch lernen durch Hören
Deutsch lernen durch Hören
SHOTGUN - Viden er noget vi deler
- 144Decreased by 37My Paranormal Experience
My Paranormal Experience
- 145Decreased by 37Chiara Mazzucco
Girl Be Bold Podcast
- 146Decreased by 37Universitetet i Stavanger
Sykepleiens naturvitenskapelige og medisinske grunnlag
- 147NEWSkolegården
- 148NEWJoe Hudson and Brett Kistler
The Art of Accomplishment
- 149Decreased by 38Marius Stangeland
Norsk for Beginners
- 150NEWArbejdermuseet
De svære normative snakke
- 151NEWBret Fisher
DevOps and Docker Talk: Cloud Native Interviews and Tooling
- 152Decreased by 40European Association of Urology
EAU Podcasts
- 153Decreased by 40Father Bronques
Make Art Not Content
- 154Decreased by 40Neuro Podcases
Neuro Podcases
- 155Decreased by 40NLS Norwegian Language School
NLS Language Learning Podcast
- 156Decreased by
Learn Norwegian |
- 157Decreased by 40Norwegian Language Lessons
Practice Norwegian
- 158Decreased by 40The Blend Podcast
The Blend Podcast
- 159Decreased by 40Melissa Wilson: Bullying Survivor and Anti-Bullying Advocate
The Grass Gets Greener: Overcoming Childhood Trauma and Thriving in Life through Inspiring Stories
- 160NEWAshley Neese
The Deeper Call
- 162NEWAli Etemadi
1001raah | هزار و یک راه
- 163NEWGeidy Thunstrom
Chat with G
- 164NEWTommies & Jerries
Tommies & Jerries
- 165Decreased by 44Nina Lockwood
Creativity Conversations with Nina Lockwood
- 166Decreased by 44Daily Dad
The Daily Dad
- 167Decreased by 44TED
How to Be a Better Human
- 169Decreased by 41Mercatus Center at George Mason University
Conversations with Tyler
- 170Decreased by 39PernilleB
Gejst med Pernille B
- 171Decreased by 44Tony Robbins
The Tony Robbins Podcast
- 173Decreased by 43Holte Vinlager
Holte Vinlager Podcast
- 174Decreased by 42Tamsen Fadal / Authentic Wave
The Tamsen Show
- 175Decreased by 39Aware and Aggravated
Aware and Aggravated
- 176Decreased by 41Stefanie Giesinger & Studio Bummens
G Spot mit Stefanie Giesinger
- 177Decreased by 43Rich & Rox Pink
- 178NEWPsykolog Anne-Cathrine Blegvad
Bliv fri af psykisk vold
- 179Decreased by 42Johan Tekfak
Podcast Francais Authentique
- 180Decreased by 42Marie Arntzen Andrew
- 181Decreased by 40Ali Bandari
BPLUS بیپلاس پادکست فارسی خلاصه کتاب
- 182Decreased by 40Zero to Fluent Korean
From Zero to Fluent Korean
- 183Decreased by 44The Messy Podcast
Atomic Habits cheat sheet
- 184Decreased by 44Idrætsprojektet
Tro, Håb & Fællesskab
- 185Decreased by 40Linguistica 360
News in Slow Spanish
- 186Decreased by 40Liam Jon Pilmore
DanishTube Podcast
- 187Decreased by 40BBC Radio
Learning English Vocabulary
- 188Decreased by 40Dagen Podkast
Ulest: Kristne klassikere
- 189Decreased by 40Gyldendal Naturfag
Naturfag i ørerne
- 190Decreased by 40TATE SPEECH
Tate Speech by Andrew Tate
- 192Decreased by 38Christian Mogensen
Dyr I Detaljen
- 193Decreased by 38Michael Digiacomo Happy English
Happy English Podcast
- 194Decreased by 42Earl Fontainelle
Podcast episodes – The Secret History of Western Esotericism Podcast (SHWEP)
- 195Decreased by 42BBC
Learning Easy English
- 196Decreased by 40Mannah
Therapeutic Astrology Podcast
- 197Decreased by 40Ali Abdaal
Deep Dive with Ali Abdaal
- 198Decreased by 40London School of Economics and Political Science
- 199Decreased by 29Laura Obel og Pia Obel
- 200Decreased by 41Sol Quantin
Slow Spanish with Miss Sol