Apple Podcasts – Espanha – Ficção
Os melhores podcasts em Espanha dos rankings do Apple Podcasts para Ficção.
- 1Increased by 0Terrores Nocturnos
Terrores Nocturnos
- 2Increased by 1Onda Cero Podcast
Gente hablando
- 3Decreased by 1El hombre de las mil caras
El hombre de las mil caras
- 4Increased by 1IvanPatxi
El Siglo de las Sombras
- 5Decreased by 1VIVA.
- 6Increased by 1Podium Podcast
- 7Decreased by 1Cadena SER
Volver a vivir
- 8Increased by 0Podium Podcast
La firma de Dios
- 9Increased by 7Podium Podcast Chile
- 10Decreased by 1Podium Podcast
El Gran Apagón
- 11Increased by 2El Extraordinario
- 12Decreased by 2Podium Podcast
La esfera
- 13Increased by 4El Desván
El Desván de los Cuentos Perdidos - Audiolibros
- 14Increased by 23Nostromo Audio
- 15Increased by 6NOISER
Sherlock Holmes Short Stories
- 16Increased by 166QCODE
Madam Ram
- 17Decreased by 2El Extraordinario
Blum (Español)
- 18Increased by 9Ice Murdock
- 19Decreased by 8Sonoro | RDLN
Relatos de la Noche
- 20Increased by 6Podium Podcast
Gemelos digitales
- 21Increased by 4Fepo
- 22Increased by 55Catalunya Experience
Greal: El secret de les vuit claus
- 23Increased by 53Mundo en Movimiento
La cita de tu vida
- 24Increased by 7Onda Cero Podcast
Madame Thermidor
- 25Decreased by 13Catalunya Experience
Greal: El secreto de las ocho llaves
- 26Increased by 8Emisor Podcasting
- 27Increased by 68Alejandro Paniagua & Dadá Films Entertainment Sl
Seré Tus Ojos T1
- 28Increased by 7Summer Story
La Bala Mágica
- 29Decreased by 15Podium Podcast
La quiebra
- 30Increased by 13Comunidad Montepinar
AudioSerie La Que Se Avecina
- 31NEWSleepiest & Geoffrey Austin Newland
Night Falls - Bedtime Stories For Sleep
- 32NEWThe Ghost Factory
Who Killed Alaska?
- 33Increased by 36ING y SummerStory
- 34Increased by 37La Maldita
Malas Decisiones
- 35Decreased by 16El Desván
El Desván de los Cuentos Perdidos - Audiolibros
- 36Increased by 36Emisor Podcasting
- 37Decreased by 17Emisor Podcasting
- 38Decreased by 16Pfizer
- 39Decreased by 15Onda Cero Podcast
- 40Decreased by 17Podium Podcast
Informe Z
- 41Decreased by 23Aleix Valverde
Transmitiendo a Ciegas
- 42Decreased by 14Podium Podcast
Guerra 3
- 43Increased by 71Studio Ochenta
Azafata en Atacama
- 45Decreased by 16Podium Podcast / Estela Producciones
El tigre
- 46Increased by 110Fepo
- 47Increased by 102QCODE
From Now
- 48Decreased by 16Podium Podcast
Bienvenido a la vida peligrosa
- 49Increased by 140Night Vale Presents
Welcome to Night Vale
- 50Decreased by 14Podium Podcast
- 51NEWRael Magnesio
Más Macabro Que Bonito
- 52NEWLuis Huizzi
Misterios en el Aire: Cuentos de la IA
- 53NEWStudio Biloba
Le Meilleur Résumé
- 55NEWLa Maldita
Decisiones Desparejas
- 56NEWEdwin Umaña Peña
Amor Sexo Decepción - Audio Libro de cuentos
- 57NEWShudder
Video Palace
- 58Decreased by 25INA
Le Comte de Monte-Cristo
- 59NEWSebastian Correa Palacios
Podcast para dormirse, un podcast de ficción
- 60Decreased by 22Voces del Abismo
Voces del Abismo
- 61Decreased by 20Relatos De Horror
Relatos De Horror (Historias De Terror)
- 62Decreased by 23De luna Hernández Melany Itzel
los OVNIS y El área 51
- 63Decreased by 23Podium Podcast
Historias De Medianoche
- 64Decreased by 22Berícid Sulfúric
Nido de Avispas
- 65Decreased by 21Santiago Segovia
Relatos por Santiago Segovia
- 66Decreased by 18Dr. NoSleep Studios
Scary Horror Stories by Dr. NoSleep
- 67Decreased by 22Podium Podcast
Mala Praxis
- 68Decreased by 1797toNow Productions
Oakbridge - A Sci-Fi Mystery Audio Drama
- 69Decreased by 22Wolf at the Door
Modes of Thought in Anterran Literature
- 70Decreased by 24Historias de Terror Reales
Mi Oscuro Relato
- 71Decreased by 17Teatro Robótico de Misterio
Sólo el Penitente Pasará
- 72Decreased by 22The Midnight Mystery
Bunker 8
- 73Decreased by 24Comedy Con
Comedy Con.
- 74Decreased by 16Voyage Media
The Genome Killer
- 75Decreased by 23Voyage Media
- 76Decreased by 21eSeries de a duro
Ficción sonora de bolsillo
- 77Decreased by 24troop audio / DanTempo
- 78Decreased by 22Datura Studios & North Atlantic Ridge
- 79Decreased by 22Ràdio Capital. La ràdio de l'Empordà
Ui, si aixequés el cap
- 80Decreased by 14MentirOSAS
- 81Decreased by 22Mayfield & Belov
Camp Here & There
- 82Decreased by 22Berícid Sulfúric
Berícid Sulfúric
- 84Decreased by 22Quiero Creer Podcast
Quiero Creer Podcast
- 85Decreased by 22Nakama Studio \ Varios colaboradores e intérpretes
Los relatos del Nakama | Ficción Sonora
- 86Decreased by 22ALERTA RADIO
La Cueva de los Duendes
- 87Decreased by 22Brennan Storr
The Ghost Story Guys
- 88Decreased by 21Wolf at the Door, Alex Kemp
The Very Worst Thing That Could Possibly Happen
- 89Decreased by 21Edwin Vílchez
Cultura y Audiolibros
- 90Decreased by 20Creepy
Creepy en Español
- 91Decreased by 18FOOM
- 92Decreased by 18iHeartPodcasts
The Hookup
- 93Decreased by 18The Merry Beggars
The Saints
- 94Decreased by 16Realm
Undertow: Trio of Nightmares
- 95Decreased by 16ELEVENROOM
- 96Decreased by 13Emerald Audio
The Royals of Malibu
- 97Decreased by 17Night Rocket Productions
- 98Decreased by 17Knightsville Workshop
Curious Matter Anthology
- 99Decreased by 17iHeartPodcasts and School of Humans
Tom Slick: Mystery Hunter
- 100Decreased by 12Mark R. Healy
The Road of Shadows
- 101Decreased by 17Rocket Adrift
Dark Future Dice | A Cyberpunk Red Podcast
- 102Decreased by 17Sonoro
- 103Decreased by 17Mark R. Healy
The Strata
- 104Decreased by 17Emisor Podcasting
- 105Decreased by 16Voyage Media
Fever Dreams: A Pulp Collection
- 106Decreased by 16Caracol TV
Pablo Escobar, El Patrón del Mal
- 107Decreased by 14Pacific Northwest Stories
The Black Tapes
- 108Decreased by 16Tirando Rol Estudios
Tirando Rol
- 109Decreased by 15Mary Robinette Kowal, DongWon Song, Erin Roberts, Dan Wells, and Howard Tayler
Writing Excuses
- 110Decreased by 19Goalhanger
Sherlock & Co.
- 112Decreased by 14Scott Miller
The Lost Sci-Fi Podcast - Vintage Sci-Fi Short Stories
- 113Decreased by 3Juan Carlos García Gómez
Lúpulo Cas9
- 114Decreased by 17Podium Podcast
La asamblea de los muertos
- 115Decreased by 16Gunpowder & Sky
- 116Decreased by 15Catalunya R�dio
La torre de vidre
- 117Decreased by 17iHeartPodcasts and Grim & Mild
- 118Decreased by 13Gen-Z Media
Hidden Island
- 119Decreased by 15Public Radio Alliance
- 120Decreased by 18David Sánchez
Historias de Miedo Reales
- 121Decreased by 18Mind’s Eye Podcasts
The End of the World
- 122Decreased by 16Alejandro Nicolas Cuello
Historias de crímenes resueltos
- 123Decreased by 16Bloody FM
- 124Decreased by 16Paul Knierim
253 Mathilde
- 125Decreased by 16Relatos Eroticos
Relatos Eroticos en Español
- 126Decreased by 13BBC Radio 4
The Archers Omnibus
- 127Decreased by 16Revolver Podcasts
La Viuda Negra
- 128Decreased by 16Podium Podcast
Menlo Park
- 129Decreased by 8BBC Radio 4
The Archers
- 130Decreased by 8SER Podcast
El Descampao amanece
- 131Decreased by 11INA
Les Maîtres du mystère
- 132Decreased by 16Adio.FM
Cuentos para dormir mejor
- 133Decreased by 15Undead Warlock
Mamones y Mazmorras
- 134Decreased by 15Podium Podcast
La Armada de la Especiería
- 135Decreased by 1Inframundo Relatos | IRDT
Relatos De Terror
- 136Decreased by 12QCODE
Dirty Diana
- 137Decreased by 20Paco Arias
- 138Decreased by 13Terrores Nocturnos Podcast
Terrores Nocturnos Podcast
- 139Decreased by 16Wondery
No Entres Aquí
- 140Decreased by 13tanzpardazi | طنزپردازی
طنزپردازی | tanzpardazi
- 141Decreased by 13Wondery
Cisne Rojo
- 143Decreased by 13Walking Cinema
Day of Days
- 144Decreased by 13Гордость, предубеждение и женская литература
Гордость, предубеждение и женская литература
- 145Decreased by 13BBC Radio 4
The Battersea Poltergeist
- 146Decreased by 20Podium Podcast
- 147Decreased by 12Slumber Studios
The Sleepy Bookshelf
- 148Decreased by 7Audiomovie
El Llamado Sonoras de ficción
- 149Decreased by 16Relatos Studio
Relatos Eróticos
- 150Decreased by 35Cuentopolis
Radioteatro Historias de Juan José Plans.
- 151Decreased by 15Ariel Goodbody, Polyglot English Teacher & Glassbox Media
Easy Stories in English
- 152Increased by 13The McElroys
The Adventure Zone
- 153Increased by 0Déia Freitas
Não Inviabilize
- 154Decreased by 14QCODE & Endeavor Content
- 155Decreased by 17PlanLINBAL
- 156Decreased by 17Gente Inmunda
Gente Inmunda
- 157Decreased by 13BBC Radio 3
The Shakespeare Sessions
- 158Decreased by 15Escape Artists Foundation
- 159Decreased by 17Bloody FM
Nightmare Soup
- 160Decreased by 15Marvel & SiriusXM
Marvel's Wastelanders: Doom
- 161Decreased by 15BBC Radio 4
The Lovecraft Investigations
- 162Decreased by 15Biblioteca dei Passi Perduti
Sezione Mitologia
- 163Decreased by 15Cheese & Pickle
Broken Veil
- 164Decreased by 14Marvel & SiriusXM
Marvel’s Wastelanders: Wolverine
- 166Decreased by 11caminante iberico
Mitos y Leyendas
- 167NEWCreative Reason Media Inc.
The NoSleep Podcast
- 168Decreased by 16Motor y al Aire
Cita con Rama - Podcast de Ciencia Ficción
- 169Decreased by 2Rokh Podcast
پادکست رخ
- 170Increased by 2Bloody FM
Tower 4
- 171NEWKerrod Williams & Good Story Guild
- 172Decreased by 35Podcast MX
Relatos Eroticos MX
- 173Decreased by 19B.J. Harrison
The Classic Tales Podcast
- 174Decreased by 3Bloody FM, EA, Motive Studios
Dead Space: Deep Cover
- 175Decreased by 14The Bellport Theater On The Air
The Department Of Midnight
- 177Decreased by 20BBC Radio 4
Call Jonathan Pie
- 178Decreased by 18Goldhawk | Wondery
- 179Decreased by 17Book Riot
SFF Yeah!
- 180Decreased by 17QuaranTeam Productions
Mansfield Mysteries
- 181Decreased by 17Jonathan Swift
Gulliver's Travels
- 182Decreased by 6Voyage Media
- 183Decreased by 15À Punt Mèdia
Jaume I, rei dels valencians
- 184Decreased by 25Radio Bremen
Kein Mucks! – Der Krimi-Podcast mit Bastian Pastewka
- 185Decreased by 11Spotify Studios
Case 63
- 186Increased by 2Darksoul Horror
Darksoul Horror
- 187Decreased by 14HISTORIAS DE MIEDO
- 189Decreased by 19Radio Fórmula
La Mano Peluda
- 190Decreased by 13Víctor Romero
Con R de Rol
- 191Decreased by 13Robert & Melissa K.
Haunted Tales
- 192Decreased by 13RedditKing
Historias De Reddit
- 193Decreased by 13Шторм
- 194Decreased by 13
Cosas Que Pasan: Separados con Hijos
- 195Decreased by 20Podium Podcast
El monstruo del monóculo y otras bestias
- 196Decreased by 10Mariano Osorio Oficial
Doble Oscuridad
- 197NEWVoyage Media
- 198NEWAlejandro Chavez
A3 Misterio
- 199NEWEl Extraordinario
Lo Sublime Siniestro
- 200Decreased by 9Chilling Entertainment, LLC & Studio71
Horror Hill: A Horror Anthology and Scary Stories Series Podcast