Apple Podcasts – Espanha – História
Os melhores podcasts em Espanha dos rankings do Apple Podcasts para História.
- 1Increased by 1Podium Podcast
La escóbula de la brújula
- 2Decreased by 1SER Podcast
Todo Concostrina
- 3Increased by 0National Geographic España
Curiosidades de la Historia National Geographic
- 4Increased by 0SER Podcast
Acontece que no es poco con Nieves Concostrina
- 5Increased by 0SER Podcast
Cualquier tiempo pasado fue anterior
- 6Increased by 0SER Podcast
SER Historia
- 7Increased by 1National Geographic España
Desenterrando el pasado
- 8Increased by 2National Geographic España
- 9Decreased by 2José Carlos G.
Memorias de un tambor
- 10Increased by 1Zinet Media
Muy Historia - Grandes Reportajes
- 12Increased by 0Podium Podcast
Las hijas de Felipe
- 13Increased by 1VIVA RADIO
- 14Decreased by 1Infantas y Reinas
Infantas y Reinas
- 15Increased by 1Goalhanger
The Rest Is History
- 16Increased by
Dentro de la pirámide
- 17Decreased by 2ermakysevilla
Documentales Sonoros
- 18Increased by 0JuAnRa
Documentales TV de la Historia
- 19Increased by 2Roma Aeterna
Roma Aeterna
- 20Increased by 0Iñaki
Escuchando Documentales
- 21Increased by 1Fernando Díaz Villanueva
La ContraHistoria
- 22Increased by 4National Geographic España
Crímenes que cambiaron la Historia
- 23Decreased by 4Podium Podcast
Roma Aeterna
- 24Increased by 1El Extraordinario
La historia es ayer
- 25Decreased by 1Pol Gise
Chisme Mitológico
- 26Increased by 1MemoriasDePez
Memorias de Pez
- 27Increased by 3OndaCero
Pasajes de la Historia
- 29Increased by 7The HISTORY® Channel | Back Pocket Studios
- 30Increased by 5Bellumartis Historia Militar
- 31Increased by 1BBC Radio 4
In Our Time
- 32Decreased by 4Radio Nacional
Crónica de España
- 33Decreased by 2ABC
Estamos en la Historia
- 34Decreased by 5Lucas Botta
Historia en Podcast
- 35Decreased by 2esRadio
Desmemoria Histórica
- 36Increased by 4David Cot
La Historia de España
- 37Increased by 0Fall of Civilizations Podcast
Fall of Civilizations Podcast
- 38Increased by 12Ricardo
Pasajes de la Historia por Juan Antonio Cebrián
- 39Increased by 26Goalhanger
- 40Increased by 4Juan Jesús Pleguezuelos
Historia de España para selectividad
- 41Decreased by 7Fernando Barbas
Historia de Roma
- 42Increased by 9BBC Radio 4
You're Dead to Me
- 43Decreased by 5Mendo
Pasajes de la Historia
- 44Decreased by 5Goalhanger
The Rest Is Classified
- 45Increased by 31⚡️Juanra⚡️
Documentales de Historia TV
- 46Decreased by 4History Hit
Dan Snow's History Hit
- 47Increased by 140Catalunya R�dio
Extrema Catalunya
- 48Decreased by 1ermakysevilla
Podcast de Misterios
- 49NEWImagen por la Historia
Imagen por la Historia
- 50NEWChoses à Savoir
Choses à Savoir HISTOIRE
- 52Decreased by 4History Hit
Gone Medieval
- 53Increased by 50Michael Cops
La Biblioteca Sonora (Documentales)
- 54Increased by 27Fundación Ramón Areces
- 55Increased by 40Dirk Hoffmann-Becking
History of the Germans
- 56Increased by 7ermakysevilla
Hitler y el Nazismo
- 57Increased by 23SER Podcast
La Historia en Ruta
- 58Increased by 2Sheikh Maher Al-Muaiqly
The Holy Quran, Sheikh Maher Al-Muaiqly | القران الكريم ماهر المعيقلي
- 59Decreased by 1SER Podcast
El puzle Voynich
- 60Increased by 74Wondery
American Scandal
- 61Increased by 100Suzanne Rico
The Man Who Calculated Death
- 62Increased by 11Rachel Maddow, MSNBC
Rachel Maddow Presents: Ultra
- 63Decreased by 14Mike Duncan
The History of Rome
- 64Increased by 19Muy Historia
El eje del mal: Alemania, Italia y Japón a la conquista del mundo
- 65Decreased by 22History Hit
Not Just the Tudors
- 66Decreased by 25Bumbox y La No Ficción
La Toma
- 67NEWNebulous Media
School of War
- 68NEWHistory Hit
After Dark: Myths, Misdeeds & the Paranormal
- 69Increased by 17Leif
Podcast de Leif
- 70NEWAndrewwet
Historia de Valencia - Anécdotas y Leyendas
- 71Decreased by 25Óscar Hernández
- 72NEWHistory Extra
History's Greatest Conspiracy Theories
- 73Increased by 25History Hit
American History Hit
- 74NEWcultura_cat
Sala 113. Històries Arxivades
- 75NEWSergi Garcia Vázquez
Mitologia de Butxaca
- 76Increased by 54Immediate Media
History Extra podcast
- 77Decreased by 15La Segunda Guerra Mundial (E/P/T)
La Segunda Guerra Mundial (E/P/T)
- 78Increased by 55Heroinas o Malvadas
Heroínas o Malvadas. Grandes mujeres de la historia.
- 79Increased by 60Podium Podcast
- 80Decreased by 28José Luis González Gullón
Historia del Opus Dei
- 81Increased by 56David Cot
Memorias Hispánicas
- 82Decreased by 28History Hit
The Ancients
- 83Decreased by 30Rutas Misteriosas
Rutas Misteriosas: el podcast
- 84Increased by 72Gioele Sasso
Pillole di Storia
- 85Increased by 86DaríoMadrid
Espacio Historia
- 86Increased by 84Paranormalia
Voces del Misterio en Paranormalia
- 87Decreased by 28JuAnRa
Documentales TV de la Historia
- 88Decreased by 27Curato da: Primo Vassallo
Alessandro Barbero Podcast - La Storia
- 89Increased by 107SER Podcast
Clara conquista
- 90Increased by 108Slumber Studios
Sleepy History
- 91Decreased by 34Initial Studio
Au fil de l'Histoire
- 92Decreased by 21Aragón Radio
- 93NEWCadena SER
Expedient Tiscar
- 94NEWÁngel Portillo Lucas
- 95NEWProf. Greg Jackson
History That Doesn't Suck
- 96NEWOtto Mas
Grandes Maricas de la Historia
- 97NEWSlate Podcasts
Slow Burn
- 98Decreased by 34BBC Radio 4
In Our Time: History
NORTH 02: The Story of Our Species
- 100NEWBBC World Service
The History Hour
- 101NEWMike Duncan
- 102NEWRaymundo M S Flores
Historia Universal Contemporánea
- 103NEWAletheia Podcasting
- 104NEWItalia Mistero
Italia Mistero
- 105Decreased by 38NOISER
Real Narcos
- 106NEWRicardo Silvestre
PRIMUM GRADUS (el primer paso)
- 107NEWStudio Bummens & Geschichten aus der Geschichte
Plus Ultra - Der Weg in den Dreißigjährigen Krieg
- 108NEWGonzalo Rodríguez García
La Forja y la Espada
- 109NEWDavid de Mena
Leyendas y Tradiciones de Sevilla
- 110Decreased by 44Dan Carlin
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
- 111Decreased by 42Magin Revillo
El Pensamiento Astorgano
- 112NEWGuanchipedia
- 113NEWEli
Historias curiosas del Mundo
- 114NEWChristoph Pleininger
- 115NEWCollège de France
Histoire des pouvoirs en Europe occidentale, XIIIe-XVIe siècle - Patrick Boucheron
- 116NEWHarris | ASMR & Insomnia Network
Calm History - true bedtime stories & trivia for relaxing or sleeping.
- 117NEWDavid Mosquera
- 118NEWMiguel del Pozo
La gesta española, de José Javier Esparza
- 119NEWPatricia Martínez
Compañero Barreiro
- 120NEWDamian Kuc
Historias Innecesarias
- 121NEW给小白白的有声书
- 122NEWA les Portes de Troia
A les portes de Troia
- 123NEWTimothy Snyder
The Making of Modern Ukraine
- 124NEWHistory Unplugged
History Unplugged Podcast
- 125NEWPúblico
Agora, agora e mais agora
- 126NEWCatalunya R�dio
- 127NEWArkaitz Morillo
En 15 minutos
- 128NEWDe no ser a ser historia
Mujeres: de no ser a ser historia
- 129NEW盧教授
- 130NEWJesús Jambrina
Zamora Sefardí
Coming in From the Cold: Untold Stories from the Cold War
- 132Decreased by 62Jermaine Fowler
The Humanity Archive
- 133Decreased by 65THE OBJECTIVE
Historia Canalla
- 134Decreased by 57RTL
Entrez dans l'Histoire
- 135Decreased by 63Deciamos Ayer
Deciamos Ayer
- 136Decreased by 62David Runciman
Past Present Future
- 137Decreased by 62Carlos de Miguel
El Ocaso De Roma
- 138Decreased by 60INFORME ENIGMA
Informe Enigma
- 139Decreased by 60La Caja de Pandora
La Caja de Pandora. Historia
- 140Decreased by 55Raúl Núñez Rojo
Fuera de Plano
- 141Decreased by 59Muy Historia
La Segunda República: una España en rojo, amarillo y morado
- 142Decreased by 58Radio Classique
Franck Ferrand raconte...
- 143Decreased by 88Lucia Garcia
Descubriendo Egipto
Pirámides de Egipto
- 146Decreased by 58Marcos Sanchidrián
- 147Decreased by 58Historia para Tontos Podcast
Historia para Tontos Podcast
- 148Decreased by 37National Geographic España
- 149Decreased by 58La Chispa Blanca
La Chispa Blanca
- 150Decreased by 60Goalhanger
- 151Decreased by 59Storiavoce
Storiavoce, un podcast d'Histoire & Civilisations
- 152Decreased by 59Paulo M. Dias & Roger Lee de Jesus
Falando de História
- 153Decreased by 45Liv Albert
Let's Talk About Myths, Baby! Greek & Roman Mythology Retold
- 154Decreased by 55Sony Music Entertainment
This is History: A Dynasty to Die For
- 155Decreased by 61Decisión Radio
Una Hora con la Historia
- 156Decreased by 47Rádio Observador
A Vida em Revolução
- 157Decreased by 51Marcas Media Group
Primus Lapis
- 158Decreased by 58Pablo Moviglia Leibovich
La barba roja de Barbarroja
- 159Decreased by 52Lynda Gonzalez
Mujeres con historia
- 160Decreased by 55Klara & UGent
De vorstinnen van Vlaanderen
- 161Decreased by 60Fin Dwyer
Irish History Podcast
- 162Decreased by 66NOISER
Real Dictators
- 163Decreased by 61Jorge Tesan
#Historia: Se acabó la Merluza.
- 164Decreased by 32Europe 1
Au Cœur de l'Histoire
- 165Decreased by 61瘦筷子
- 166Decreased by 56NOISER
Eine kurze Geschichte über...
- 167Decreased by 55Studio Biloba
Pépites d'Histoire
- 168Decreased by 55Duncan & Coe
The Duncan & Coe History Show
- 169Decreased by 55Working Class History
Working Class History
- 170Decreased by 55Europe1
Au Cœur de l'Histoire - Stéphane Bern
- 171Decreased by 55Govern d'Andorra
Qui té por de la història?
- 172Decreased by 55会飞的猫毛
- 173Decreased by 55Maryna Pinkevych
Всяка Нечисть
- 174Decreased by 55Syed Ahsan
- 175Decreased by 55Angie Caro
Historia del Antiguo Egipto en Audios
- 176Decreased by 55À Punt Mèdia
Borja, de València al Vaticà
- 177Decreased by 52Ritxi Ostáriz
El Libro Rojo de Ritxi Ostáriz
- 178Decreased by 56Royal United Services Institute
Talking Strategy
- 179Decreased by 56NPR
- 180Decreased by 56Fundación Ramón Areces
Filosofía y Pensamiento
- 181Decreased by 55A cura di: Fabrizio Mele
Il podcast di Alessandro Barbero: Lezioni e Conferenze di Storia
- 182Decreased by 85La Vanguardia
Historia y Vida
- 183Decreased by 56Benjamin Brillaud
Nota Bene
- 184Decreased by 56Wondery
The Spy Who
- 185Decreased by 50RNE Audio
El condensador de fluzo. El podcast
- 186Decreased by 17A les Portes de Troia
A les portes de Troia
- 187Decreased by 58Goalhanger
WW2 Pod: We Have Ways of Making You Talk
- 188Decreased by 50Mattia Stirpe
Storia di Roma
- 189Decreased by 58NOISER
Real Survival Stories
- 190Decreased by 16NOISER
Short History Of...
- 191Decreased by 27Wondery
British Scandal
- 192Decreased by 56[email protected]
The History of Byzantium
- 193Decreased by 53Sarah Marshall
You're Wrong About
- 194Decreased by 51Wondery
American History Tellers
- 195Decreased by 54Podium Podcast
Grandes Entrevistas
- 196NEWDan Carlin
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History: Addendum
- 197Decreased by 53History Hit
Betwixt The Sheets: The History of Sex, Scandal & Society
- 198Decreased by 56Wondery
Todopoderosos con Jóse Rafael Guzmán
- 199Decreased by 53Napoleon Bonaparte
Napoleón Bonaparte. Vida y tiempo.
- 200Decreased by 53Ermanno Ferretti
Dentro alla storia