diani fitranda

I'm good at and I'm loack at

Esta série destaca forças pessoais e desafios, apresentando histórias e discussões que promovem a autoconsciência e o crescimento para todos os envolvidos.

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If you can choose a superpower, what will it be and why?

11 mins • Jun 9, 2020

Episódios recentes

Jun 9, 2020

If you can choose a superpower, what will it be and why?

11 mins

May 9, 2020

Best songs and most favorite musicians

16 mins

Apr 25, 2020

"books/movie/drama/game recomendation"

14 mins

Apr 18, 2020

Me 10 years ago, the present me, and me 10 years from now

14 mins

Apr 12, 2020

The life of a college student

16 mins

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