The ShopWorks

The Workforce Management Podcast

Descubra novidades em gestão de força de trabalho com insights sobre tecnologia, agendamento, análises e a influência da IA para melhorar a eficiência no trabalho.

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Why is data engineering so important for WFM and AI?

S1 E19 • 10 mins • May 15, 2023

Episódios recentes

May 15, 2023

Why is data engineering so important for WFM and AI?

S1 E19 • 10 mins

May 14, 2023

How can an AI predict if someone will resign using WFM data?

S1 E18 • 11 mins

May 13, 2023

What is demand forecasting?

S1 E17 • 12 mins

May 12, 2023

What is AI-based forecasting?

S1 E16 • 9 mins

May 11, 2023

What factors does an AI take into account when building a rota?

S1 E15 • 8 mins

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