Junte-se ao Dr. Poythress enquanto ele explora a importância das parábolas e milagres dentro de uma perspectiva Reformada, revelando seu impacto na fé e na compreensão.
Parables and Miracles 7: Exegesis of Matthew 13:34-35 II/Second look at the Parable of the Sower/Maxims for Interpreting the Parables I
78 mins • Jul 26, 2010
- 130Decreased by 21
- 187Increased by 3
- 129Decreased by 11
- 85Decreased by 2
- 5Decreased by 2
Episódios recentes

Jul 26, 2010
Parables and Miracles 7: Exegesis of Matthew 13:34-35 II/Second look at the Parable of the Sower/Maxims for Interpreting the Parables I
78 mins

Jul 26, 2010
Parables and Miracles 6: The Parable of the Sower II/Exegesis of Matthew 13:34-35 I
78 mins

Jul 26, 2010
Parables and Miracles 10: Analogical Analysis II/Interpreting Miracle Stories I
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Jul 26, 2010
Parables and Miracles 9: Maxims for Interpreting the Parables III/Analogical Analysis I
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Jul 26, 2010
Parables and Miracles 8: Maxims for Interpreting the Parables II
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