
Aesop's Fables Podcast

Explore contos atemporais que transmitem lições valiosas para todas as idades. Essas fábulas clássicas de um renomado contador de histórias inspiram reflexão moral e despertam a imaginação.

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The Wolf and the Fox

1 mins • Mar 20, 2010

Episódios recentes

Mar 20, 2010

The Wolf and the Fox

1 mins

Nov 7, 2009

The Image of Mercury and the Carpenter, The Fawn and his Mother, The Bald Knight

2 mins

Sep 11, 2009

The Peasant and the Eagle, The Herdsman and the Lost Bull, The Camel and the Arab

2 mins

Mar 26, 2009

The Lion and the Hare; The Farmer and the Snake; The Cat and Venus

2 mins

Feb 21, 2009

The Mouse and the Bull; The Pomegranate, Appletree and Bramble; The Farmer and the Stork

2 mins

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