Este envolvente programa traz discussões de fé à vida durante conversas no horário do almoço, proporcionando um espaço relaxado para explorar e defender vários tópicos espirituais.
#50. Bus sign Atheism, Angry Atheist Guy.
18 mins • Nov 12, 2008
- 105Decreased by 1
- 177Decreased by 30
Episódios recentes

Nov 12, 2008
#50. Bus sign Atheism, Angry Atheist Guy.
18 mins

Oct 17, 2008
#49. Should you give them a Bible?
12 mins

Oct 5, 2008
#48. The simplest objections.
13 mins

Aug 29, 2008
#47. Thoughts on how it feels to be evangelized.
13 mins

Aug 6, 2008
#46. Issues with scripted evangelism; Joe Thorn on "contact points" for conversations in suburban evangelism.
17 mins

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